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Wednesday Ocho

Dreadful weather and rain AGAIN. Not sure if the tornado dropped us in Seattle or warped time back to the NY vacation of ten (10) STRAIGHT days of rain.

Yes, dark, gloomy and pretty ugly.


It is so bad that the rescheduled art show from LAST weekend is in danger again THIS weekend and things are not looking good.

FB reports school closings and sent a screen shot of the extended forecast this morning from Houston.

So playing THAT one by ear however also making back-up plans now in the event of unfavorable weather. All good.

Well the PRIMARY hockey season is over ending last night at 10:58 PM in 2OT as Stars fell to the blues in StL 2-1. Secondary season following to Stanley Cup …


Well, I don’t like the Bruins. As much as I like Z Chara and Pat Bergeron that little Puke Marchand is disgusting, reprehensible and undeserving. Besides ALL that he is a dirty player. NO sport should harbor dirty players. See tag ‘Pete Rose, baseball.’

Ambivalent right now towards the blues. I don’t think they were the better team in this series but that happens. Regardless I can’t route (root ?) for them. Yet.

I have liked them in the past and in fact even own some blues souvenirs but it’s simply too soon and is hasn’t been 12 hours. Should the blues advance to the Finals against the bruins, no question I get the blues shirt and cap out and wear them.

Sharks v avs? IF they could BOTH lose, it would be OK with me. Obviously not a secondary fan for either one. In fact, I can’t think of a single player from EITHER team worth watching or favoriting. THAT bad.

I like Carolina and the hurricanes. Small market team, Justin Williams has cups and is a very humble and capable leader as captain. The owner is a blue-collar and down to earth type of Family guy and I went did my undergrad work there. OK, South not north Carolina.

Go Canes esp v bruins. Knock them out. This will be a series to watch with interest.

OK. Got to cut and I have squandered enough time for the budget today.

Why it is SO BAD here today that if I had a vacuum cleaner, I would USE IT.



Here are a couple of links pulled from the propaganda pile to stories especially worthy of comment.

Makes me wonder ALL kinds of things … like is there a snapping turtle in there? What else might she be packing in there? I vaguely recall the pants were yoga pants and correct me PLEASE there is NOT a lot of extra room in there.

Did this woman leave a phone number? Could I be her friend on fb?

FINALLY, this CLOWN certainly could turn himself into a magician. He really needs to coat his finger(s) with super glue, stick one in his mouth and the other in his ass and BLOW … HARD.

If the links don't work, tough. Don't complain or let me know because I don't care, you should either because you SHOULD have better things to do as well.

I keep thinking, hoping, praying and wondering if WE (collectively) ignored such stories regarding these idiots, morons and imbeciles if they would go away. (?)

There were far too many stories not worth reading with idiotic pictures from some ‘Met Gala’ that pushed me to the edge of vomiting. Talk about getting a life. What's worse ... ? The characters or subjects themselves OR the 'fans' that adore them who are IN FACT ENCOURAGING such behavior?

The internet has become THEE place of ‘all the stories unfit to be truly propaganda or marginally newsworthy.’

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