Ten M 19
Let’s keep talking about the weather shall we and do nothing about it ? Nope. Not even going to complain for we are ALL victims forced to endure and struggle accordingly. So make the most of it, put up AND shut up.
Get this … 10° outside the cloud this morning. Needless to say I slept very well last night going to bed rather early after dozing off on sofa III after the Astros dispatched the Rangers in Houston 4-2. The rangers managed a late rally but fell short and the homer announcers were whining all over themselves. I got a charge out of that.

So I woke up and recalled a dream where I stepped outside to check the weather and there was this HUGE white flower that appeared overnight and I was naturally taken aback.
I am so glad you asked.
Probably 4-5 m across. My measuring tape only goes to 12’ so just an estimate.
The rescheduled art show in Houston was canceled yesterday due to continuing foul weather so I unloaded Silver and did some cleaning before a minor cardiac event flared up causing a stoppage of that nasty effort.
Unlike last weekend where the sudden change of plans was the root cause of a psychological and mental hiccup, that will not happen this time around.
Going therapist again with the whining ‘Y’ ?
Yesterday Rob invited me to a major event opening going on this weekend in McK. A ‘vintage’ junk show, flea market, art show and hootenanny. Did a couple of hours of that Friday afternoon late but got the wristband for free entry the rest of the weekend. I did not get all the way around so that is an option but NOT necessarily a high priority. Spending money is starting to give me the creeps.
There is a quarterly bead, gem, mineral and jewelry show and extravaganza in Grapevine all weekend. A regular event and a repeat where I know I can spend money but historically the purchased items sit, seldom see work therefore never completion so a low probability there as well. It would be a two (2) hour drive round trip to Grapevine as well as an admission charge so not feeling it.
The Renaissance festival at Scarborough Faire continues this weekend. This event is mid-way thru a six (6) week run so soon it will be winding down. Weather has prevented attendance in the past but it is always a hoot to go for there are lots, as in truckloads, of freaks to observe in unnatural habitats and attire.
I have carving and art projects which right now is most appealing. The voice inside my head keeps whispering 'build inventory'.
There is a local artsy-fartsy social function tomorrow night that I have already written off.
Next weekend there is a birthday party that is on the radar pinned as a ‘big event.’ Another friend I shall designate as Richard I not to be confused with neighbor and cork King Richard II (dos), sent an electronic invitation. RI is a food, hockey and travel writer, owns his own business and networker supreme.
We have known each other since the days of the Dallas Freeze and remained in touch via Christmas cards mostly. He ‘retired’ from covering hockey and apparently thought enough of me to invite to his partay and shindig.
His travel and food articles appear in the local upscale DFW mags so it could be a stellar event with luminaries. NOT including myself.
Happy birthday condolences this day to Misty Bay.
She is. TOTALLY forgotten.
Because it is easy to remember that’s why.
Five/ten/fifty. May 5, 1950. Get it? 5 x 10 = 50.
It’s almost unforgettable. (?)
Must press on Friends, Romans and countrymen.
Happy Mother’s day to all you Mothers out there. (GeoT)
OMG, next time por favor.
Todays image to halt ALL WHINING and WHINERS, what I woke up to this morning. So you see, apparently it was NOT a dream …