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Jn 19 First Entry

OK so it’s the second day but the first entry so do NOT start by giving your writer and correspondent flack or static in any way large OR small por favor.

Sunday morning and in a word the weather is dismal.

Dark, dreary and deathly still. Not air movement and an oppressive humidity hangs in the air.


Haven’t you come to expect moments of brilliance from time to time with those moments getting closer together as I hone my skills for the Big Leap? Nitwhit? Or is it knitwhit?

Discovered something wrt the new month abbreviations. What say YOU about doing all CAPS like the PO does with states? I’m thinking it standardizes things and MIGHT make it easier for the hordes of unanointed to swallow.


Oh I know. But I bash them (the ignorants) so often I thought maybe, PERHAPS once (one time) I shall give them the benefit of the doubt and just see how they respond. Let’s call it a ‘social experiment’ shall we?

Moving along …

Here we are in June … THEE best of all the months.

I am thinking celebrate the ENTIRE MONTH for Father’s day in Honor of the unsung heroes that without question deserve to be put back in their Rightful place.

Now I am not saying all Dad’s or Fathers are great for there is plenty of evidence and witnesses wandering, staggering or aimlessly colliding to prove ALL Father’s are not the greatest. So Honor the good-to-great ones. Disregard or downplay the bums, ignorant or totally irresponsible ones. Give them one (1) day only.

So at Mass this morning I was thinking that just because the day’s outlook was glum for some things does NOT disqualify the day being PERFECT for other things or something else.

Forget about mowing the lawn, reschedule. Paint to completion 1 or 2 projects or make progress on corkboards building inventory. Stuffing corkboards on a day like today is the PERFECT brain dead activity.

The process goes something like this ... Look thru the corks, select one, place it and if it looks good in that spot, glue it down. REPEATING until a region or area is completed and needs to dry.

Sometimes even with a brain dead activity one simply cannot take it anymore and that’s how one KNOWS it is time to do something else.

Like read for an hour or make a cocktail.


Crossing the Line by Derek Sanderson. You know, as much as I look down on indians, NOT Indians as in Native Americans but the ones that acknowledge and recognize ‘untouchables’ and the red-dots or as I sometimes refer bullet hole wannabees, they do have a (one single) worthy belief.


Reincarnation. I kind of like that idea after death coming back as someone else or something else as the full rules apply.

I would AND am being good to come back as Derek Sanderson OR Ricky Fowler. I would NOT want to be bad or behave poorly and return as something say like a fire hydrant. Especially in this neighborhood with all the dogs.

I think some indians come back as mosquitoes or rolly-pollies or cloth moths and should be immediately smashed.

I remember Derek Sanderson growing up and while he was playing. A colorful character to say the least. Once when asked someone said to him that he was the Joe Namath of hockey to which Sanderson QUICKLY corrected the reporter saying that he got it wrong and Joe Namath was the Derek Sanderson of football.

Great side stories behind the scenes growing up, early playing days, Stanley Cups and later to come his deep slide into alcohol and those other abuses to near-death. Only thru the Graces of his former teammates like Bobby Orr did Sanderson return to a productive and meaningful life.

Especially revealing are the glimpses into his early Family life and dealings with his Father. Strict would be a terribly misleading understatement.

Anyway, the day is shaping up and moving along.

The birds are singing in spite of the melancholiness of the weather which at the moment is an on-again, off-again sprinkle.

The formal training program for HH100 began yesterday with a GDR (graduated distance ride … I know) of 48k (30 miles). Stellar time UNDER two (2) hours by five (5) minutes with some safety waits (delays due to traffic flow and patterns.) I did register for the HHH and am feeling confident I can break my goal this year.

Walt rang and stopped over for a beer visit. Maggie was and is back in the hospital. It makes me so sad that a nice person such as Maggie has these health issues brought on by half-baked quacks.

Another botched procedure and mind-bending accounts from Walt packed into 12 ozs.

Also yesterday my table router went comatose.


No. While I did do some quick troubleshooting, I am NOT READY to pronounce it dead. It is a Craftsman and I need to see if the router or motor can maybe be replaced. I have another router but will it fit is the next big question.

I was just ready to roll and gear up for big-time production of frames for cork boards when it goes ‘POP’ when I fired it up. I bought it at an estate sale so no telling if it has history.

S1 called yesterday in the afternoon whilst I was working in the garage. He has a ‘make-up’ game in McK later today and their season is over. Kind of marginally pointless so I told him to ask the guys ‘Hey, YOU forgot YOUR make-up’. (That’s hockey ha-ha for in the room.) He GOT it.

Time for some breakfast and make rough plan(s) for the upcoming week.

Hey, today is 6-2 and ODD.

Dick Tracy would say six-two and EVEN.

Just a little trivyoid (trivial + factoid) to aid and assist and get YOU thru the day.

With training rides and the weather, not promising anything wrt next report.

Do NOT worry as this month is as good as it gets. If we could have 12 months of Junes, we would be in Heaven.

So best case is settle for 1/12 (one-twelfth) of that.

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