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D-Day occurred this day 75 years ago and you can bet your rump it WILL BE on the new calendar. Wondering if such an event could be even DREAMED of let alone pulled off today with current crop of leadership.

I knew well a veteran who was wounded in that historic assault. I dated his daughter and drank a lot of beer with him while I was an undergraduate. A LOT of beer.

So strange that I only found out a few years ago and here’s the story.

I called him up from the cloud to ‘re-connect’ as they were Family friends and my Mom said they were starting to slip to the ravages of old age. I noticed that his faculties had declined and when the topic got around to his lovely wife J, he only then MENTIONED the fact that she still had the blood-stained shirt he was wearing that day in a trunk ‘somewhere.’

That’s it. YEARS later. No other ‘war stories.’ Not even a mention. This was a tough generation.

But there was a look in his eye and while jovial nearly all the time, the look was mean and nasty.

Again, seldom to rarely shown, but now it makes a little more sense.

Now here is an example the evolution of convenient label. ‘Shell shock’ evolved to PTDS and has become a cottage industry. Veterans that need help should get that help and have full support but like any large government agency there is MORE corruption and abuse and more poor souls that fall thru the cracks and do not get the help they need for a number of reasons beyond the scope here.

Other news, ‘free publications’ seem to be on the increase. Unsolicited rags litter the mailbox and sidewalk are not worth mentioning but I will anyway. Briefly.

Dallas Morning News (DMN) in a desperate attempt to remain relevant, is ‘marketing’ a rag titled ‘Briefing’ twice a week. I sorted out the ad pages from the ‘news’ section and the ad inserts were larger and thicker than the actual ‘news’.

Flashing thru the ‘news’, for the second straight issue, a story of the murder of another ‘transgender.’ I found this amusing and annoying. Apparently no ‘normal’ people are being murdered. Frankly this being a crime is in question. The article stated ‘transgender woman’ so I don’t know WHY I axed myself the question ‘before or after’ ? It lead to some personal confusion and the whiskey-tango-foxtrot rule went into effect.

I suspect the sensationalism is the reason for including such a lowly story.

These people truly do need help and also requiring head checks are the doctors that perform such operations.

A ‘Food’ article … ‘perfect pairings’ of wine, beer, chicken and (GET READY …) waffles. WAFFLES !!

Recently from the experimental kitchen lab here at the cloud I myself discovered the ‘perfect pairing’ for breakfast of eggs, steak au pirate (PY-rah-tay … the faux French pronunciation) a sangria and room temperature worked very nicely. The PERFECT pairing.

That’s enough. Out of worthwhile material. Obviously.

Excuse me while I go hurl.

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