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XXIII Junius

SO disoriented I need a time out. And it looks like today is that day OR perhaps the first day of a few. I think I have a blog entry or two to sort out and post PLUS this one. To borrow a word too commonly used for ambiguous purposes AND convenience, some things are a ‘mess.’

I say some of this because the weather is cooperating and conducive to this plan. I DO NOT have the bull by the horn rather the cow by the teat.

Speaking of weather before wandering off too far, yesterdays GDR training program called for 97 K which I calculated and planned for four (4) hours.

Walt and I motored back up to Fannin county and got blueberries and Jenkins didn’t have any peaches ready but he DID have nectarines and plums. We picked one basket of each intending to ‘split’ when we got back but when we did Walt divvied them up and I got the larger cuts.

To mere mortals this COULD present a problem but not your correspondent. I started by giving a small sample bag to Ranger Rick, former Home Depot classmate and still shining there and dispenser of range balls at Watters Creek.

He didn’t even ax but gave me a large bucket which took me until closing time to hit them all. The range at WC has lights so it was dark when I hit the last one. Leaving unhit range balls is like leaving food one ones plate. You just DON’T do it.

Between harvesting fruit and hitting balls if I can get the train back on the track, an interesting story.

My Plan was to ride after getting back from Bonham which I made ready to do and started in what some call ‘the heat of the day.’ I used a set of my uv sleeves for the first time an truth be told it was a mite warm.

Anyway, Saturday traffic was insane and dangerous so the first hour was very slow. I had gotten about .5 K from the casa and I looked down and no water bottle. I quickly considered pressing on without water since the clock was running but determined four (4) hours without water would be not only dangerous but foolish so I did an about face. That didn’t help the time.

The first hour was slow but nearing the end of the second hour I heard a clap of thunder and very dark skies gathering to the southwest but clear skies northwest. The wind which was now stiffening was coming from you guessed it the SW.

I pressed on. When it got noticeably darker AND cooler, I knew I was in trouble. I decided to head for home the only problem being I was at the furthest point away on the course or as I call it the ‘orbit.’

It started to sprinkle 2.5 K from the cloud but by 2.0 I had to seek shelter so I stopped under a drive thru bank to ‘wait it out.’ The wind picked up and I had to reposition twice after the first nap as the wind blew the rain & spray well under the over hang.

No signs of letting up so now I couldn’t sleep so I am just watching the show when a mini-van pulls up and the driver axes if I want a lift home. I couldn’t believe it.

‘Are you kidding?’

I accepted her invitation and she quickly got out and opened the back hatch as I loaded Blue. I introduced myself after Thanking her again. Her name was Jenny (or Genny like the NY beer so I would remember) and she told me how her daughter Olivia strapped in the car seat behind me saw me and took pity. They were on the return leg of a supper run to Chick-fil-a when the storm started.

There was a lot of water dropped. The ride turned out grande so Thanks again Genny and especially Olivia.

OK. That’s about it.

I have laundry started from LAST weekend’s visitors, fruit to figure out, I started watering the plants, I have a meeting downtown at 1:00 and I need to finish and submit the Pearson Acres Park Proposal (PAPP) TODAY. The deadline is this Friday and waiting until the last minute is plain dumb. Besides, I have been taking smaller bits evenings and it is nearly completed at my end.

For references, I lined up Walt, Robin, Leon and Pat. I have already uploaded the relevant images and the are well underway.

So this week there is a work day at LaSt, art projects, job hunts and Thursday night I noticed on the Frisco Ruff Riders schedule was ‘Nurse Appreciation night’. I am thinking if this is not a target-rich environment, YOU try to locate one and send along the coordinates.

This is an exhausted and fortunate Bill checking out and signing off for 23 June. Running out of the first half of June and I am so NOT ready for the second half that other aliens refer to as ‘July’.

‘Summer is ready when you are …’

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