D 9
Another Monday, a full day about to begin in about 45 minutes so expect brevity for much has transpired all of the highest interest to the Inquiring Community. In the second (dos) hour of Dark Hour so D9 reminded your correspondent of ‘deny’.
ROYAL PROCLAMATION: The word of the day is ‘deny’. National Denial day. Deny EVERYTHING this day.
I went to Mass yesterday and had to search 2-3x in the bulletin to find the SMALLEST mention of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Growing up when a Holiday Day of Obligation fell on a Sunday it was a warped ‘bonus’. NO MASS on a weekday killing two birds with one stone covering the commitment with Sunday Mass.
NEWSFLASH: Things change. This morning I WANT to go. This will be three (3) times in four (4) days and no problem as things have been going splendidly.
Starting at the top, the Holiday Bazaar at Tupps was a huge success. Sales and revenues actually topped the Fall Fine Art show in Houston back in September. I sold a book for Murry, orders for two (2) signs, a couple of smalls, met some really nice people that I will describe as responsible drinkers, a kook or two so overall a well-balanced crowd and pure fun. There was even an unexpected visitor I invited or merely mentioned in passing briefly (awkwardly) and we had a nice chat.
I can see I am not going to be able to make the full report so por favor no more interruptions Ms Bold CAPS.
So I missed an excellent opportunity on 5 December.
I looked at the calendar and played with the date D5. D5. D5W kept coming up. But I was drawing a blank as to where, what and exactly how or why it was echoing around and rolling inside my head.
Next I did what any normal person would do, I googled it. I had heard and remembered it from Adam-12 and did not realized it.
Emma will know D5W is a 5% dextrose (D … sugar) solution with water (W) that Gage & DeSoto were many times instructed by Rampart to start (IV ... aka intravenous) on the vic as they were transporting via ambulance to the hospital (Rampart).
That’s it.
Christmas cards are designed and at the printer.
Haircut appt in Richardson, pick up the bottle of Bill’s blue lightning berry cordial left in Houston brought back my FB’s in-laws after Thanksgiving.
Finish designing the sign ordered at Tupps which was the big ticket item. Bride-to-be wants it for Christmas for her future in-laws. Talk about class. She worked in a cardio-cath lab and her eyes. Big, brown and without question were assets to her job description.
Must dash.
Pay some bills on line here and hope the connection holds up to complete everything before leaving.
I forgot to mention that I have to , MUST get dressed BEFORE heading to Church.
Bill … dashing all the way.