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15 D Sunday night

Well it was acceptable day here at the cloud, marginally exceptional, ordinary time and the Plan was successfully executed starting at 1:47 am.

I awoke and couldn’t sleep so I got up and stayed up beginning the day. The electricity was free so after coffee was brewed I did a laundry so looking forward to the clean sheet phenomenon after some video watching. I checked out Mr Robot season 3 and not sure if it is AGAIN or the first time. Into the second episode and can’t quite tell.

The Plan called for Mass today as I was doing the little show on the square known as Second Saturday.


Real well. Sales well into the third figure.


Signs exclusively. The last ‘love shack 15’ sign sold. There was a Tupps sign that I had started but did not finish that customer wants finished before Christmas. I worked on that today. The big pop was a commission for a three-panel sign. Got the 50% down at Tupps and client stopped to clear up a couple of questions so that is now moving forward. I should have that sign done this Friday. I could not get the font enlarged today at Office Depot because the little creature working in the document center couldn’t figure it out. He tried to tell me that the machine ‘could not do percentages’ but rather recognized only paper size and 100%.

Tomorrow early either the A-team at Office Depot OR MMP I MUST get the font to 5” or a shade under or deadline is doubtful. I WILL get the font the correct size. Hey, It's another PAYDAY.

I also sold the Captain Morgan-mojitoville speculation sign with the flying white royal macaw. Need to replace THAT one at the first opportunity. It sold so fast I didn’t get a picture of it after highlighting the black letters with white edges.

So yes. Another good show.

Today I got the Tupps sign ready to paint tomorrow and the panels sanded and ready to start transferring the large font when I get them tomorrow am and zip thru THAT one for a Friday OR SOONER delivery.

FB texted today wanting to know MY Plan for Christmas. I told her nada just NOT FEELING IT but I want to remain here at the cloud, hunkered down into winter hibernation dormancy mode. I have plenty of work to do and to go ANYWHERE OR have visitors or company would mean cleaning , turning on the heat, gifts and all of this would create a very stressful condition.

I am certain that I haven’t heard the last of this discussion but I hope so. I told her I used to hate, HATE dragging the little ones (her and her brother) out in the bitter cold of NY first to one set of parents (grandparents) then the other spending equal time at each. She was SOOO anal that way. That would be the ‘x’ for the record and NOT FB.

OK Fans. Fading fast. Clean sheets, lots to do tomorrow so out of here.

Ten (10) days and but first we can start looking ahead to the equinox D20 and see if we can notice the days getting longer.

Look for a stronger entry at the next attempt. But NO PROMISES.

Christmas is NOT my favorite time of the year.

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