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21 D Saturday

Slow starting this day and we will start with the numbers in a minute. Slow to sluggish start is a temporary revert to the days BEFORE we were all hunter-gatherers and body temps ranged on the cold-blooded side of the house.

Last night before snuffing the candle wick out I had 10 on the crib side temperature reading gizmo and again 10 this morning. Yes, it’s cold but NOT level III shivering cold.

On the upper deck proper we have 12 and on the lower deck 13 so all of those readings fit and are in order.


Well Ms Bold Caps, I had resigned myself and informed some that I was cutting back this year and I did.

However like the sap running in the spring and occassional seasonal hormonal inconsistencies, as things ‘progressed’, I changed my tune to a modest ‘recovery’ mode and scrambled. At a very high level of course.

My highest priority has been finishing the commission sign which is drying between coats as we chat here now. So taking a short, planned break. I could finish it today, but a better bet is perhaps tomorrow still in time for Patron to take as a gift to parents lake house in MI.

This one is taking longer as the entire sign, front and back, all needs to be sealed with a marine polyurethane. Very costly material but I was fortunate to be gifted a partial can from Donnie who got it from a friend of his that picked it up from an estate sale. After ALL that, it is still good.

Yesterday being Friday I had some ‘must do’s’ to tie up loose ends for the week and before the Holiday.

Like dropped off a box of gifts for overland delivery in No Dallas to FB and here small crew in Houston.

Next stopped to give the hair cropping, arrangement and placement staffer their annual gift.

Picked up a gift card at Lavendou the magnifique French bistro where I had the stunning lunch on Wednesday with one R Pollak.

For a lovely couple who will enjoy the experience immensely and completely.

Looking now forward to some down time and shutting down for the Holiday.

Mass today at 5:00 for to pick up the Christmas schedule specifically Mass on Wednesday. The last few years the ‘children’s’ Mass has been most to my liking. They have their own little choir and one singer is ALWAYS a little louder and enthusiastic than the rest.

The Children in attendance are all anxious and fidgety which I VAGUELY recall and glad those days are faded. On top of it all, THIS Mass is mercifully short.


If I’m lucky.

I MUST start the annual tax ordeal early. Compile all that data and get it to Lisa EARLY January for prompt processing of the refund.

If there is any time left over, I MIGHT clean as the castle certainly could use some spiffing.

I finished The Mosquito and as a book I would hesitate giving it a ‘recommend’. Personally I liked it but it was a tough read at times. It was a very good refresher and overview of history if one is at all interested in that sort of thing.

Next I was gifted a copy of 'The Shack' but having a great deal of difficulty embracing and digesting the work of non-fiction and as a 'concept.' Just me. If YOU like it, no harm, no foul.

Speaking fo fowl, I stopped and bought a turkey. Check that. I STOLE a turkey.

EXPLAIN … por favor !!!

Recall I had the rain check from Thanksgiving and went to local nearest K-Roget first.

I spoke with Corey first in Meat & Seafood and I ended up getting a much higher quality bird for the $0.37 ‘Thanksgiving’ special price. The 18 pound turkey ended up costing $6.67. So I stole it with the help of the Customer Service peeps. And some good intel gathered from Corey.


No promises as to the next entry. I am thinking time to check and see if the sign is ready for the next coat.

Gots to post up here and press forward.

If you are reading this as a shift from boredom, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU ?

Send an application for work and the apprentice program here at the cloud, in care of Bill.

So much to do.

One FINAL example ... Last trip to K-Roget ... pineapples on sale $0.99 each (w/card) and they were LARGE. Time for another batch of pineapple conserve.

See what I mean?

Turn off the telly, get thru the 'withdrawal' symptoms and start truly ENJOYING life.

Felix navidad from the cloud.

Just in case.

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