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The week and month end today therefore the last entry follows. Daylight is becoming noticeably longer which is uplifting and tomorrow will be a new day, a new month and reasons for hope.

A dark, cold Friday night and things are still. It was a good day as days go but the past week was dead and dull kind of like the last days of the year or the Mayan calendar or the Calendar according to Bill. The week started in Houston, then the travel-lag and re-acclimating to the cloud and castile lifestyle.

Rather than spill full gloom, doom and near-depression antics, we shall avoid all that and showcase the better side of things.

Or how about an Honest attempt?

Today there was an agent here from O3A Home Solar to discuss installing an array on the roof. The assessment had him drooling as apparently (?) the roof angles are perfect for maximum collection. The corner lot also will get lots of traffic views.

We had a candid, frank and open discussion and he would have liked me to sign a contract but I did not opting to think it over.


I know. Right?

I WAS leaning in favor but later the financial commitment and obligation sank in as did doubt which I THINK is healthy. I told him to check back with me Tuesday or Wednesday but I have a FEELING that the shark smells blood in the water and he will call Monday. Care to place a wage on that?

Elsewhere, I received via the electronic mail the ‘Call for Artists’ to the Spring Art Show in the Woodlands. This was certified a real lift. I started planning immediately putting the dates on the calendar and picked up the pace of art work.

May 2 which is Derby Day and I am glad I will be off site, away from the cloud and McK and have a legitimate excuse NOT to be or go to Louisville this year.

The deadline for applications is 10 April but I already have most of the material from the Fall show so I FOUND it (no small task) and modified to update and then saved so I am well ahead of that curve.

This one day show is super-sweet. Think stevia 300x sweeter than sugar AND legal.

The entry fee is $150 and I made that back plus last year which was the first time accepted into this juried show. I now know what might sell so I can focus efforts and bring more of that work.

I can extend the stay and visit FB and the grandies, by then the pool should be open and fun to the 10th power.

That’s it for the Last entry of January.

It’s just before 8:00 and I am cold and tired and bed sounds great. It is warm there and I can read and drift off.



I simply cannot put everything that’s going on in each and every report. Tomorrow is another day so I will hold a few morsels back for kindling and starting the next edition.

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