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Fascinating. Simply fascinating. Last night I had NO INTENTION, plan nor desire or reason for an entry this day. However I couldn’t sleep, awoke just all revved up and ready after I visualized the date you see above and this set off a cascading chain of events that got us, you and I, here.

So I rolled out to take advantage of the free electric and made the high-antiox tea and just NAILED it. The lime-stevia mix was perfect and started things off in a splendid fashion.

My very first thought(s) of F5 were from HH100 a few years back when Midgey & I rode 25 miles as the only Wicked Strong team members to saddle up. This would have been 2017 and the contingent from Houston could not escape H-town due to Hurricane Harvey. FB was locked down at the hospital for the weekend, disaster protocol and relief efforts due to the storm.

Anyway, I have already digressed in a sinful way.

So I got up and googled ‘F5’ thinking it was some sort of hurricane category classification.

For the second time this week I was wrong.

Hijo de puta und figlio di puttana.


It turns out ALMOST by fortune that F5 is the name of a (very high) technology company base in WA state that specializes in … get this … network security, data management and protection and I was IMMEDIATELY drawn into the website, company and links associated.

Fascinating and right up my current interest alley with trending career implications.

So I made a mental note to self (simple note) to ‘revisit F5 for further independent study, research and possible career inquiry and/or opportunity(ies).'

A big full day is once again planned starting with an appointment at 8:30 at the printers.

Late yesterday as a result of diligent trouble shooting, persistent and tenacious investigations, a HVAC technician visited the cloud early evening to check out the thermostats and related system issues.

It turns out in this case I WAS right. The electrical storm last week and the largest bang and brightest blue flash ever seen right outside my window electrically over-stressed (EOS) circuit boards in the furnace and fried a transformer.

He’s coming back later this morning with the parts to make the necessary repairs. Nice guy. Younger but clean & well-mannered. And reasonable. But the parts and labor will naturally be costly. The joys of owning a home.

Also on the home front, second estimates on the roof are in. This second bidder is lower, much more responsive and has impressed me more than the first. Next step(s) are sending communications to original contractor and get their attention for reimbursement schedule. More images going their way today.

They bid ‘replace flashing’ and clearly did not resulting in the .

Well Fans my mind has once again started to wander.

Today’s image is from 2017, post HH100 ride. Midgey & I were searching for a beer, parched, after the ride and this gentleman with Midgey had a very cool shirt so we started a conversation.

F5 IPA was, IS a beer brewed by HIS COMPANY!!

Never did or probably did but can’t recall his name but needless to say we didn’t buy another F5 the rest of that day. Super cool dude and I have purchased (fondly) since a sixer of F5 recalling the day.

There you have the rest of the story.

Have a smashing day.

FYI, raining here before the dawn so perfect … PERFECT day for painting and projects indoors as the business gets out of the way early, I can get home and I can wait, work and watch the HVAC tech make repairs in addition to picking his brain as he drains my account.

Oh, BTW ... expect a couple of days off.


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