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Ocho F 20

Early Saturday morning and once again chomping at the bit. Like a thoroughbred prancing anxiously into the gate at the Kentucky Derby. As one of the favorites, the cup runneth over this day with confidence.

Take note por favor of the date.

Ocho is of course Español and has been the second language of choice in this vehicle since the old testament and close to Day I.


Right. However I was thinking just this morning drie Semesters Duetsch an der Universitat was taking up space in my little 286 brain and it needed to be used or erased. It is extremely difficult learning, maintaining a skill level and a challenge going solo learning a new language. It sounds so strange spoken to the untrained ear as does Español trying to listen even to native speakers in a restaurant or on the street.

Therefore from THIS DAY going forward, look for more Deutsch. Certainly not the highest priority but now elevated to a higher priority none the less.

I can almost feel the language skill just sitting there in my head like a little green pea slowly withering from lack of use. I think I am feeling it somewhere buried deep behind my left ear but still doing the self-directed encephalogram to pinpoint the exact location.

Since last time, I had started two (2) entries that failed to launch on this vehicle. One is a strong candidate for a classic short story while the other COULD BE a nifty essay however both will in all likelihood end up in the folder to be published and ‘rediscovered’ posthumously.


How about just The Digressor? NOT ‘Great’. Yet. You understand.

But ok.

Last night I attended a function here entering the social pool and mingling to a certain extend with McK society.


Hold your horses Ms Bold Caps. Hear the story.


Meals on Wheels of Collin County Annual Open house and I did it right. After years of attending such events with a great deal of anxiety, discomfort and uneasiness with such ventures, this one I nailed. NAILED.

I shall share the formula.

I purposely went and arrived late. But BEFORE that, I was on a mission which involves a certain level of ‘prep’. Specifically goals or an objective.

Wearing a ‘Wild Swine’ embroidered casual black (clean) shirt for the informal affair, I chatted and mingled effortlessly first with lower level staff to practice and steady the jitterbugs and demons before engaging critical, key and targeted decision makers. When the time(s) came, I was primed, prepped and ready.

I put the Plan into Execution mode and went into action giving the short pitch and networking the old fashioned way.

When the business of the mission was done, exit. Early with NO REGARD for the elapsed time.

As hockey players arae fond of saying, get the puck out.

But on the way out, a short chat with one of the volunteer barkeeps was like being named First-star of the game.

‘Dilly’ was chairman of the MoW annual golf event and outing held at Stonebridge Range, and get ready for THIS … held at the Dye course. I would DIE to play the Dye course.

So we became ‘buds’ chatting in depth about golf for an extended period until another ‘customer’ came up for service and then his wife (Jill) came up and I started a friendly chat with her. A delightful lady and when traffic and activity picked up at this spot nearer the door I was able to slip out gracefully with stealth and unnoticed.


Nice and danke for working WITH me and playing along.

Bottom line ... I came up to the plate (engaged) four times, (4 AB) and hit four (4) singles, scored, which can also translate OR could be spun up into a HR (home run) for Wicked Swine.


That’s what I’m talking about.

So, now I (‘WE’) have documented ‘interest’ in the project from not one but TWO (2) parties. Both are small which are definitely interested and fits exactly into the growth-oriented B-plan. Still need to meet with the (slacking) investor and if the one identified doesn’t pony up here fairly quickly, funding will be coming from somewhere else.

YOU WILL want to stay tuned on this developing blockbuster. My role now is to muster and rally the rest of the group and tweek the b-plan again today to reflect last nights developments which will make ‘selling’ the plan easier.

Elsewhere, this is 2nd Saturday on the Square but opting out due to conditions and circumstances. The weather is far from ideal, I seriously doubt ‘strollers’ will be likely to purchase ‘art’ and to top THAT the furnace contractor is scheduled to make the final install and replace the faulty gas valve today that had to be ordered last week.

All this works out perfectly for the artist known as DOUBLE-you (W).

I just want to put on old cloths, make and breath sawdust, paint and make progress on Watching the Shore.2 ALL DAY.

That’s all I want to do until Mass.

Clean up then Thank God for each and every Gift He has granted AND continues to give making my little life bearable.

Pax Domini

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