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The Ides of Feb

Working in 30 minute increments today Fans so time is limited. Much to do before Mass and really don’t have a good answer for why I am filling you in today other than I need the practice.


I have a list of goals and objectives for today AND tomorrow now so after the half-hour timer goes off I’ll be moving on to the next project.

The largest ‘news’ today should see two (2) that’s TWO completed projects. Watching the Shore.2 and regeneratingneuron.V were worked on late yesterday and the signs are right.


Of course.

The paint brushes get smaller and smaller and the dabs of paint come from the underside of the cap. IOW the smallest of quantities. When there is no more to do, paint to apply, obviously the project is done.

I will post up images later today probably after Mass or during the Stars v Habs game from Montreal.

Listening to games on the radio is so much better. Fewer commercials and the mindless interruptions with replays, babbling commentary such nonsense.

I rediscovered the Cranberries this morning. That would be the band. I was taken by the vocals and when I looked them up, learned the rest of the story. Very very sad. The singer with the haunting voice died in 2018 drowning in a combination drug drink stupor. She was a Catholic and Fan of John Paul II and met him twice. He asked her to sing I think it was a Christmas function. I mean it just made me tear up and cry.

I assumed it was true.


You need to learn to shup up.

Reworking the Wild Swine bp. I have a meeting with State Representative Scott Sanford a week from Thursdayt o ask him for a referral to either a state agency OR investor(s) that might take the idea to fruition.

There goes the timer.

I’m moving on.

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