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28 F: Last

A Saturday, a ‘FREE’ day and both the electronic-Inbox, switchboard and social media queries are flooding the cloud here demanding and the curious want to know if this day will be on the New calendar.

I am LEANING TOWARDS a solid yes. Here’s why.

The idea of a ‘leap’ year is so 16th century. The very act of combining the ¼ extra days into a single day is preposterous like it even makes a difference.

Here is what I will propose to the February (F) and other calendar committee(s) for it is a MUCH LARGER and far more COMPLEX issue than it first appears. AND everything MUST BE DONE so EVERYONE is HAPPY for change is hard to swallow for most people.

Personally I am in favor of a disruptive restructuring which I can see being unpalatable, undigestable, and some UNNAMED parties will scream bloody murder ‘toxic’.

How about this and try it on for size. Before passing a (knee) jerk reaction, THINK ABOUT it BEFORE spouting off out of ignorance.

Make February longer by one or perhaps even two extra days. Remove days from the ‘Dead times’ between Christmas and New Years as the Mayans did.

Another option is remove the ‘31st’ extra day from a current month.


Easy peazy Weezy.

If it truly bothers enough taxpayers and voters, every fourth (4th) year one of the months with 30 days will have 31 days.


I know.

AND, get this, it will be a Holiday. A Federal National flag-flying Holiday. No work, banks closed but government office all open to ‘catch up’. Think of it as a roving snow day. A rolling snow day.

I got to go.

It’s Saturday and supposed to be a nice one. I got some seeds in this passed week and some are sprouting and poking thru so some gardening is in order. At the very least a walkabout.

Lent is settling in.

The weekly Fish Fry for some inexplicable reason was NOT held yesterday after SoC so I tossed together a FisherPERSON stew. It was excellent. I had to use some of the spaghetti squash and the combination was fabulous. El Rancho, the Mexican market in McK a small Fiesta knockoff, had the smaller spaghetti squash and I tried one. The size is perfect and filled a nice size resealable container and I am thinking I made a very handy discovery.

I think that’s about enough for today. Now anyway.


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