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What a cool numerical (Roman) date !! Second place in a close call (think ‘photo finish) 10 M 20 converted inserted arithmetically 10 x M = 20 where M=2. Is anyone BESIDES Emma getting this, seeing the absolute BEAUTY and elegant simplicity?

OR is it just me?


Not at all wench. I HAVE been double dipping the Kona coffee only because with it being Lent methods of celebration are GREATLY reduced.

I MUST take exception with the Pope and the Church and will REFUSE the 40-day chip if NOT ALLOWED some small, tasteful yet NOT OVERDONE show of celebration for Self.

THAT’S MY Story and I have every intention to stick with it. Should Saint Peter bring it up at the Gates, I WILL stand firm and go OVER HIS HEAD if necessary in defense of my actions and THEN put the Pope on the carpet.



Did I mention here that Emma did check in with a report from the American outback aka Lubbock?

She has fallen into a very back habit that we (collectively) must break and that it ‘Oz-speak.’ The topic was koalas and the nasty little creatures carrying on in the trees as they do. Now that I am thinking about it, PERHAPS I should put in a request to come back as a koala in the ‘next life.’

This afternoon I got in a great bike ride. Traffic was light and well-behaved as we are into ‘Spring break’ and the little creatures and their Fams are either out of town, sleeping in or scattered by the winds.

More of the same tomorrow. A ride, work and visits to Leon for a couple of frame projects and Donnie’s to drill some small holes for Watching the Shore mounting the gulls.

The forecast looks like only a couple of decent days this week for outdoor activities then a stretch of rain, rain and more rain. I mean EVERY day thru the end of the 10-day forecast.

Works for me because I have painting projects lined up in every studio and indoor work area.

Plenty to do.

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