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17 M 20XX

ONE THING I learned in Fire School years ago was that there needed to be three (3) things for a fire to occur. There must be oxygen, fuel and a source of ignition.

Too much?


Sure. Just for you Sweetie.

Oxygen would be in the air, fuel is something that burns or capable of burning and a spark or think ‘heat’ source to start the process. Once started, the process rapidly becomes self-sustaining and capable of rapid acceleration and grows. Very rapid growth manifests as an explosion,

But enough ‘theory’.

This virus panic has spread like an out of control fire. Ignorance and heads bobbing and rattling with loose screws have taken over just about EVERY leadership position available lacking any courage to stop and derail the train..

Before the DIGRESSION rages OOC (out of control) let me refocus.

President Trump, aka the Great Disruptor and also the Spark, has agitated AND frightened SO MANY swamp creatures aka career politicians and other master criminals that they feel compelled to stop him no matter what the cost. The costs are approaching what the Founding Fathers commonly called ‘sedition.’ Look it up if you are unfamiliar. Seriously.

The Fuel is provided by the seditious Trump haters. HATERS. The man is NOT the one at the top of yours or my guest list for dinner. He is not an academic and sometimes does not speak well. Many Presidents have not spoken well but MOST have been leaders. U Grant was a drunk, Lincoln KNEW it but saw his value as a leader and made him a General THEN he was later elected President.

The current President has a huge task cleaning up years of filth, garbage, stagnant water and raw sewage that has accumulated in the government.

Listen sometime to the speaker of the house speak and if YOU don’t walk away with an impression there are SCREWS LOOSE, then you need at least a check-up OR more likely an assessment OR evaluation. I could go on with more names and examples of such poll dancers but I have an appointment with SSA today and that’s only if they are not shut down due to the flu panic.

Those or them running this circus have now mastered ‘social media’ to their advantage and are using ALL of the platforms to either gather (think steal) personal data and/or use it maliciously.

The part of air or oxygen is played by the media. Having lost most and losing more credibility every day, those that make at such nonsense are struggling for relevance and everyday people, the most common of the flock, for a multitude of both reason AND reasoning, swallow this, this propaganda, half-truths, outright lies, dis and misinformation as well as manipulated facts out of context hook, line and sinker as the fishers of PEOPLE so ineloquently state.

So, to summarize and wrap things up, you have the political misfits fueling this marginal ‘panic’, fanning flames with media propaganda and social media crap creating ‘shortages’ or opportunities for bandits all to stop the President from doing the job the American People elected him to do. HE is getting it done, they are TERRIFIED and he in all likelihood will be re-elected.

He promised some would be going to trial, jail and prison and he is DELIVERING on a very high percentage of his promises.

DO NOT FORGET he is NOT one of them and a ‘career politician’ and they are TERRIFIED and willing to do whatever it takes to stop the Trump MAGA Express. I am of the opinion that this is what the majority of the true, real American people want.

This ends today’s civic lesson and op-ed. Class dismissed.

Wish me luck doing battle with the SSA dragon. They must be open and I will have to venture out amongst the unvaccinated and unanointed because calling takes too long. I can drive across town and be there before I could get a cognizant human being on the phone. The SSA already has Bill’s vote of ‘no confidence’ as a Federal agency staffed with lazy, uncaring and career incompetents.

Besides, I can consolidate the trip out stopping at Home Depot for a couple of things and do inventories at local stores for water, hand sanitizer and toilet paper NONE of which I am in need. .

For the most part I am still good it being only Day III.

Some poor people are getting hit and already struggling and for them I pray. I fear many more will be damaged or hurt before this fiasco dissipates.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day.

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