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The Weeks recap and up periscope for the Weekend follows and a report of observations from commando shopping outing this morning into, out and amongst the unvaccinated, infected and unanointed.

The BIG NEWS is I survived and made some interesting observations I am all too happy to share.

So Friday afternoon is wearing on and I am on ‘hard break.’ It COULD BE procrastination station or simply a dip in energy level. With this ‘panic’, everything has become ‘open ended’ and

EVERYTHING that was scheduled and/or planned is postponed or canceled outright. Urgency has been removed from the lexicon.

I shopped at three (3) different shopping places late morning and into the early afternoon and I will take them in order as it is most interesting and logical that way and plays into Significant.

As a prequel, last night saw a foray to LOCAL k-roget and NO white or dark brown sugar on the shelf. This was surprising but I did not drop in the aisle and start crying. I got a couple of the other items I needed for the mustard recipe and got home.

I watched 3 or 4 episodes of the latest binge and it is a NOT recommend. So NO NAME. There are some very uncomfortable scenes and I will leave it at that. The plot is about a set of human clones and is quite taut however some of the supporting characters are disgusting and a couple of scenes last night were revolting and I had to look away. But it’s just me. Had I KNOWN, I would not have checked out this series. It is a Canadian series so well done over-all but simply far to 'all-inclusinve.'

So this morning I had a short list and went first to the ‘Signature’ k-roget for dark and white sugar, black grapes and a few other things. I asked one associate where I might find the sugar. She was a live wire and I sensed I could have some fun with her so I immediately apologized for hitting on her. A lively exchange followed and she pointed to an aisle and I promptly axed if that particular aisle had a number. (?)

She said she ‘should’ know that and I promptly agreed and we parted friends.

I found the aisle (28) and she was right and they had white sugar on the shelf. AND the brand I used before and was familiar with. At first I did not see any dark brown sugar on the shelf however when I squatted to get the four (4) pound bag one shelf up in the back were 5 or 6 bags of DARK BROWN SUGAR!!

If I didn’t (or couldn’t) squat, the view angle would not have yielded the prize. I was elated and now had the final missing ingredient to make the batch of gourmet spicy pub mustard.

Having time to kill I started looking for Emergency staples like water, tp and wipes. I was feeling euphoric finding the brown sugar but that quickly wore off and I axed another associate the whereabouts of water. While she never said anything, her body language screamed ‘follow me’ or ‘walk this way’ and she led me to the shelf and pointed to where it ‘would be’ if they had any.

I was a little stunned but that too passed and she walked away and this time I let her go.

I had walked thru the domestic hygiene paper shelves and nada. This k-roget had no Daisy-lite sour cream which I am very fond of so strike III there and out I went.

Next, I headed to El Rancho the Hispanic Mercado and McK’s answer to Fiesta. HUGE limons 5/$. They had the Daisy lite-sour cream as I KNEW they would AND marked down. AND I found and purchased 1 gal of distilled water. This was a shock and I started to BELIEVE this ‘crisis’ was beginning to pass.

Again euphoric and I decided I had time for one (1) more stop after McKPL.

BIG SIGN on the door of the Hall library ‘Facility Closed’ until further notice. I had a few things to return which I did then made my way to Wal-mart for the same drill.

I have stopped at this Neighborhood Wal-market for water, jumbo eggs and herring a few times in the last two (2) weeks and they haven’t had herring in some time and eggs not since the panic and of course water.

Well, they actually had distilled water & I bought two (2) gallons not wanting to be labeled a hoarder.

No eggs, no problem and then, ONE (1) jar of herring. I haven’t had this omega-rich oily fish in some time and here it is. I thought I might open and eat the whole (entire) jar when I got back home but I didn’t.

So with these successful stops and being able to purchase make some needed supplies I was feeling good.

I did some art work in the garage and painting inside after a quick breakfast.

And here I am. And here you are having an up-to-the-minute update real time.

Fish & chips in the form of shrimp & potatoes for a fancy-ass supper and then more work.

The pandemic, quarantine and economic slide all continues but truly all is well.

When asked, I am starting to like it.

PS: What is getting TRULY ANNOYING is the tsunami of emails from sources that I am not sure should even care with what they are doing to address this ‘unprecedented crisis’.


Are you kidding?

EVERY BANK encouraging ‘digital avenues’ for 'your' (my) banking convenience. I ALREADY DO THAT !! They APPARENTLY think people LIKE to go into the lobby and wait in line as 'fun.'

The USC Alumni Association … we 'alums' are apparently one of their largest concerns as well … (send $$).

Undermain Theater, CITI-Bank which I never activated the account, arts.orgs AND k-roget even.

ALL clearly declare are HERE for ‘YOU’ which is me and WE all know that is Bullenscheißen.

As Col Klink would say … Aaaauuufff Weiderseeeiiinnnn.

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