Easter Sunday MMXX
The birds outside are exceptionally loud apparently oblivious to the pandemic, social distancing and sheltering in place. Perhaps they know something we SHOULD know.
Were one a Creator, one could not draw up, paint, plan or describe a better morning with words.
Life goes on.
Just last week I was thinking I would get a note from you for Easter and God Bless. GREAT Question as always and Thanks for asking.
I am listening to Gregorian chants all morning. Very nice.

Nope. It seems I asked or better MADE AN INQUIRY a number of years ago to the Bishop but more likely a local priest out of respect for the Bishops time about watching Mass on telly instead of going in person.
NO!! was the SHORT answer.
It seems the COMPLETE answer best recalled was that it was the gathering (of the flock) where the power arose from and one simply could not get that at home watching tv.
FF … to a time of social media, technology and royal hoaxes ... first thing I thought of when I heard this new 'distancing' and 'isolation' protocol was how were they going to pass the hat and make collections?
Seems they didn’t think of that. SOMEONE is going to have to be ACCOUNTABLE and LIVE with the consequences of THAT decision.

Streaming is not in the cards here.
But good thought and Thanks again for asking.
Multiple Easter images this day all should be fairly self-explanatory.
A couple of links from the recent news that I find worthy also with little introductions.
If you are just tuning in, Yaz is my longest-serving hero after my Dad. And yes Emma, HIGHER than the Masked Man. (sorry)
Here’s a beauty …
Personally I am losing confidence in this con man … His 15 minutes of fame have come and frankly now passed. Bye-bye. Fooch indeed. I THINK he has lost his mind.

Coffee this morning is Kona because if you can’t celebrate today you are simply not a Christian or failed in your own resurrection.
The spa water in and the water is now warm. The coffee is indeed hot but the low-limit cut on switch of the spa has gone faulty and I cannot replace it with my skill set and abilities. The repair request is in and like everything else … waiting.

Happy Easter.
He has Risen.