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Tough crowd as Rodney D was fond of saying. ‘Too many links’,’ lacking substance’ are a sample of complaints from the previous report of which I share only a couple. Such critics and very fortunate for you.

So let us return to form and go to the email bag or electronic in-box.

‘How are you holding up during the self-imposed, ‘honor system’ quarantine’?

Starting with the shortest of answers, great.

But expanding for the most Faithful of readership and in the true spirit of pure Procrastination this day, I am refining the process and improving on it every day.

Adapting, changing and modifying behavior are keys to survival since The Beginning.

Whether you subscribe to Eve’s Big Blunder or Great-great (x1000) grandfather Neanderthal as the ‘true beginning’, historically progress is measured by the rebounds from adversity.

But before I get too wound up, I DO feel saddened and sorry for the poor bastards, unfortunate souls and those (them ?) that for whatever reason cannot control their respective destiny or situations.

The sad fact is with that 7.5 or .6 billion lost souls, wandering and running loose untethered on our planet, some will experience unpleasantries and ARE at any given moment. Think GLOBALLY, and that’s millions with a ‘B’.

Right NOW, someone is dying, checking out after a marvelous life.

The next second, another will without ANY ARGUMENT be going to a better place REGARDLESS they be a true Believer or not for their life was miserable with only bad luck or unfortunate events all along the way and The End was a Blessing.

So what am I doing?

Reading for one thing. I got on Barnes & Noble (locally) emailing list when I bought a book recently (curbside service) and now they broadcast something every few days which is generally entertaining in itself.

Gardening another. Perfect timing for planting and getting young plants growing. The edible peas are growing like rockets up the trellis and I shall freeze surplus giving a few away. Look for lots of stir fries.

Cooking and eating are essential. Things from the jardin are centerpieces and focal points and quantities are smaller, meals two (2) and reduced in importance usually downplayed around work. Daily there is breakfast of the 18+item oatmeal and supper, dinner or strategic snacking for ‘last call.’

Those times when there is a second meal planning and preparations are deliberate and from scratch first of what is on hand. No running out up to k-roget for ‘ground beef’ or tomatoes. Fewer ingredients, more spices and just simpler by design yet healthy. Avoid the junk. Is any of this NEW?

Now we, OK ‘I’ am practicing until perfect.

Rest should not be overlooked. Keeping strong means being well-rested to make sound decisions and ALL decision are important right now for one FALSE move could be curtains. Can you spot the influence from the old programs? ‘Curtains,’ NOT drapes.

Mass and religion have regrettably fallen slightly but temporarially. Somehow the Bishop got my email address and I got another broadcast Mass schedule this morning with where and whens. It seems I asked this very question years ago when I was young. Younger. ‘Can we just watch it on tv?’ NO!!

I think I mentioned no network or cable telly so I am finding Mass on the radio which is very cool when you think about it and I am 100% in favor of radio versus the locals on tv.

Here is the infrastructure or if you wish the signal path …

The tunedIn app is used to get to Spirit 90.5FM in Tampa as in FL. They will broadcast either from their cathedral in St Pete Saint Agnes OR like this morning Saint Paul the Apostle in Saint Paul Minnesota. Wirelessly from across the room via a portable bluetooth speaker comes the Most Excellent Homily I would never hear. Content and quality are superb.

I find this extremely cool when you think of ‘the signal’ being routed from MN, to FL to the cloud originating from Heaven. It is truly amazing but it will be great to get back in a church as in building with other Souls. Not soon enough I say.

Cleaning. When there is nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING better to do. Which is rarely.

Currently waiting for an order of bags for the vacuum cleaner THEN lookout. I MAY go for an (1) FULL hour and get the WHOLE fort spiffed up. Perhaps knot. It should be interesting.

Art work and artistic projects. The big inventory build continues. The social media marketing group has the first large piece now running the first auction. Four (4) weeks, all set up with five (5) more Watching the Shore.dots all 24-48 hours away from completion should an order or commission result.

I am thinking today starting a small production lot of 12x12 corkboards as I located a new source for corks. NOT like I am running low on corks.

Placing corks on a board in a frame is what would be referred to in the day as a ‘brain dead’ task while in the workforce but somehow at this time has become therapeutic in and of itself.

Technology as a toy helps. Being able to work things thru with the available technology has been a huge lift. Like using the smartphone as a hotspot (tethering) and watching old shows, brand new shows and original shows and movies on amazon prime has been a blast.

The only time the tv system is fired up is in the night between 8 and about 1030/1100.

Electricity is free from 8pm to 5am and before you start laughing, I got the electric bill from TXU last week and it was $47.20 for the month.

Controlling costs is critical as all resources MUST be treated as important, limited and restricted and COULD BE cut off completely at any time, without notice or warning so PAY ATTENTION. Actually, if YOU read the ‘fine print’ of the contract, it states that very fact.

Fighting the sundry battles continues. Reimbursement for the roof repairs is a constant uphill task especially now with the pandemic fiasco slowing everything. The next step is engaging the BBB (Better Business Bureau) but it must be thought thru completely, done carefully to assure success and AVOID being labeled a crackpot or nut case.

Afterall, I am moving into that age braket where it becomes quite common for those unannointed or otherwise so Enlightened to be conveniently labeled as such.


That’s about all for now.

It looks like rain AGAIN so perfect of painting.

AND the Shadow is coming on. One of my favs.

The Mass has ended. Go in Peace.

Next time ... shopping.

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