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So yesterday afternoon I made yet another discovery on the smartphone that I found amusing and ironic that I will share this morning before the ‘to-do’ protocol kicks up and in.

The weekly Sunday morning program of exotic ambient music from HI ended and I was in the process of shutting down when I looked at the screen and noticed ‘since you liked …’ and I bit and followed up browsing and scrolling down a lengthy list trying one, then another and so forth.

I noticed an odd icon for ‘Ambient Nature Radio’ and it was non-stop babbling brooks, thunder storms and waves on beach. I was working and before I knew it the low battery light and beep interrupted progress. So I shut down to recharge on the little solar recharging gadget gifted from FB & crew at Christmas.

So now it gets weird.

With the new-found quiet, I hear the birds singing out of doors. Loud, clear and different songs from near and far. I begin to think … ponder actually … ‘Why am I ‘tuned in’ to recorded ambient sounds of nature when all I have to do is shut down (or block out?) the distractions?’

Same thing this morning. Birds sing until 8:00 and until 9:00 the Lone Ranger comes on.

At any rate, funny event to report on o’er the weekend at local k-roget.

More of the inmates are now wearing the idiotic masks and I am NOT. No need. Not at risk and I had a flu shot.

This was a commando shopping raid so I KNOW what I need and heading down an aisle towards me is this older dude, looking older than his ‘middle age’, wearing a tee-shirt AND a mask and get ready for this, that says ‘FEARLESS’ boldly across the front.

I look at him and even with the mask I could tell he was a weenie.

I mean seriously … FEARLESS wearing a mask?

It made NO SENSE to me and the former Bill would have engaged with a smart (alec or a**) remark but the NEW Bill in these ‘trying times’ actually REFRAINED from comment.

The back of teh shirt probably had 'IDIOT' or his name.

Another customer, an amazon, encroached too close for comfort on the 6 foot space rule and I said something along the line of ‘pleasantries’ and she was anything butt. Ha-RUMPH.

In other big news, I FINALLY REACHED the ‘Devilish’ level in the ‘How strong is your vocabulary?’ quiz game on the Merriam-Webster app. Hard to devilish was brutal. After coming so close so many times, even 10-for-10 one time but not quite fast enough and other times missing the LAST one and falling just short.

When one is a recluse, hermit or strict follower of ‘social disengagement’, one finds simple pleasures best wherever, whenever and YOU can write that one down.

Must dash.

A lengthy list for a Monday and starting the week. IF I get 50% today that would be a win. What does NOT get done today slips to tomorrow and so forth OR et cetera.

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