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Su 3 My 20

The government shelter-in-place program continues and we are now in the 900th day. I THINK it MAY be time for a haircut but I can’t decide if I can wait a little longer OR continue cultivating the Keith Richard’s look. After he got his new teeth.

Yesterday would have been the Kentucky Derby. My sister in Louisville checked in and when I axed her for a couple of the souvenir glasses she said they were ‘sold out’ so savvy collectors are hoarding them for $$$.

I thought yesterday I had completed all of the transplanting and found one more. That goes in early this morning. Then final arrangement of the containers and I should be all set. Actually harvested some snap peas with the edible pods for the first time. I FINALLY got them planted at the proper time.

A bike ride before electronic Mass as well this morning is scheduled.

Water indoor and outdoor plants and work to completion on a multitude of projects. There is one more corkboard close and start a couple more and inventory of that item should be sufficient.

Tomorrow and Monday the list is lengthy for action and activities so those will need to be organized and prioritized later today.

Speaking of another slow news day, here are two (2) segments from members of society via the ‘msm’ whose 15 minutes of fame have either come and SHOULD BE gone OR clearly who gives a flip.

I have NO INTENTION reading either one just using each as an example and headlines pretty much telling the story with the simple, one word commentary … NEXT !!

I am THINKING tattoo ‘artists’ MAY HAVE leap-frogged used car salesmen and roofers as despicable creatures scratching for a living on planet Earth.

AND FINALLY, ‘sir’ Nick Faldo. There is simply NOT much more that can be said for this conceited self-proclaimed subject matter expert and General knower-of-all things. I mean this, just the headline, is marginally idiotic.

Thanks Nick for the brilliant insight. Bye-bye.

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