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Ocho 5 20

Friday and time for either the week in review or the welcome in the weekend party. You’re your pick, I

don’t care for it matters not to me. I only want to get jump started.

There, I did it.

I am very pleased to report this week past I had some success(es) and after a sufficient spin cycle they are GREAT STORIES.

Recall previous report of DEVASTATING NEWS from the Pineapple Plantation, two (2) plants written off as goners have shown at least PARTIAL signs of a Resurrection. One mysteriously sprouted and discovered growing green in the compost and another small to medium sized top mangled in an old flower pot showed some new growth. I doubt either one will go to fruit as it will be a long uphill journey.

However, it’s all a BONUS. The reason I bought the pineapple was the fruit and this week I opened a jar of the 2019 Pineapple coconut rum conserve for the breakfast oatmeal and Phans, it was DIVINE. I mean I NAILED it. Reducing the sugar and I mean DRASTICALLY when opened the aroma and fragrance or the spirit of the Pineapple WAS THERE. It was amazing to behold.

I had dropped my phone a couple of times not badly however I did notice a peculiar ‘double vision’ at the top of the screen and assumed it was the damage from a drop.

Expecting the time maybe had come (again) for a new phone I made a stop at a local T-Mobile storefront and explained to the masked babe with beautiful eyes that I was reading an email with a map attachment and started multitasking to delete while on a mindless phone call holding and viola, SUDDENLY the map is my wallpaper.

Mother of Pearl I says to self. (Not really)

I mean it was kind of cool but the contrast between the new background and the font made for a great degree of difficulty reading.

After two separate attempts at different times to correct I finally got it back. Or so I thought.

Fatima in the faux mini-burqua sized it up very quickly and told me that I had used a ‘screen shot’ when I did the reset and it captured the top tool bar data ‘from that moment’ which I never would have noticed. Now it was a quick fix by yours truly, in the store and on the fly for which I couldn’t thank Fatima enough.

I told her were it not for the social distancing nonsense I would give her a big hug. She took a step back and made an ‘air hug’ she called it.

I figure she saved me $8-900 and might have been able to sell an imbecile a new phone but no, NOT me.

A significant t-storm rolled thru around 0600. Since it is still darkish, the air will be cool and clean when it is light enough to venture outdoors. Then the sun will come up, warm things up and in the calm morning brilliance should be a surplus.

Painting today. I think the mood will be right.

The electronic payment from the online sale of Watchingtheshore.3 is ALMOST cycled thru and available so the second auction should be underway next week. Not sure yet what it will be but options are between 4-5 projects or pieces.

Tomorrow 0815 it’s up to the tree farm for the canceled ‘Spring blossom art show’.



The actual show was postponed 25 A for c-19 considerations but the blossoms are still on and opening so Terry and Robin want to meet up there for a look see. I called this week and Rodney said sure, come up early but don’t expect the huge crowd which is perfect. I made the initial inquiry for a ginkgo biloba tree and they have two different types and I can replace the worthless ‘chinese pistachio’ on that side of the fortress.

That’s it.

I have suddenly run out of everything.

Inspiration, motivation and even patience.

Post up and out of here.

Have a great w/e.

Stay dry, remain healthy and think healthy and above all PAY ATTENTION.

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