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23 My 20

Another dismal day, dreary with more bad news and spinning wheels to turn anything close into a good news story and finding an upbeat. It rained overnight with a series of thunder and lightning events rolling thru the hood.

I guess I was secretly waiting for the Big Popper outside the window that would fry all of the electronics.

Needless to say I did no sleep well and starting slow even for a Saturday.


I MISSED you Ms Bold Caps.

S1 and I risked life & limb to motor to Houston to visit his sister and her crew. It was a quick trip, one night to accommodate his work schedule and provide day care relief while FB fought on the front lines of the c-19 virus hoax aka ‘the flu’.

The nonsense continues although signs are shifting towards a ‘recovery’.

I even received a broadcast ‘special video’ message from the Bishop. So incensed was I that I ‘deleted’ the message without watching. Incredulous that the state and OUR government tells us NOT to gather and congregate.

The Bishop, apparently NOW putting pencil to paper, is realizing the financial short-sight of not being able to fleece the flock, is paying for his lack of leadership.

I have decided that now I SHALL determine when I will return to attending Mass.

I mean God and I have been talking. More accurately PRAYING not engaging in a discourse or conversation you understand lest the populace consider me 'crazy.'

While we have directly communicated prior to, certainly NOT for something as small as this man-made bullshit.

I discovered another individual INTELLIGENT enough to have a true conversation about this fiasco.

On Thursday I had my first appointment rescheduled four (4x) tims with a new dentist. Dr Nelson is up the street, that’s Lake Forest, and around the corner. Nice staff, interesting office and overall a good time. Oh I know ... at the dentist.

His hygienist, masked the entire time, was a golfer and we carried on. She is married to a pro and we had a number of stories me mostly listening as speaking was difficult with her hands in my mouth.

Art, that’s would be Dr Nelson to you, also played and we got on with that topic. He went to UT for a while before transferring to Austin College having played in high school and also for the Fighting Kangaroos. We were in the same class (academically) as Hall of Famers and UT program alums Ben Crenshaw and Tom Kite.

Today, TODAY, should have been the third day of the Colonial speaking of golf. I had planned to do a ‘best of‘ from years past accounts and still might but I wouldn’t bet on it. Next year the plan is to volunteer at the Byron Nelson to be played here in McK AND the Colonial if all goes off as planned.

In perhaps thee most staggering news, the HH100 is curtailed. After checking the website, looking at the FAQ page and coming away still NOT knowing, I found a number and called to get a status fearful what I might hear and learn.

I spoke to ‘Chip’, quite nice and knowledgeable, and he filled me in. The cdc ‘rules’ for gathering were prohibiting more than ten (10) and six (6) feet was nonsense and I thought about the start and could only shake my head. Doing the quick math, 12,000 riders, 6' apart they would need a starting line the size of Rhode Island.

So I am still training, planning a work around and waiting over a year now to do the legendary and iconic ride again.

Oh, finally and in closing, the art business is starting to really take off. FB got interested and is involved after looking at the instagram account and the revamping being done by Freedom Media Connections. She ‘shared’ the page and overnight got ‘likes’ and is now experimenting with different ‘hashtags’.

Slightly beyond my pay grade for the time being anyway.

The Plan is for yours truly to eventually get to a point where driving the bus is possible that is when everything is smoothly functioning. At the moment things are bumpy while the bugs get smashed and squashed but they WILL ALL be tapped out over time at which time I will RARELY do A show but work and sell product for a healthy margin over the world wide web.

I make a lovely pirate (pronounced ‘py-RA-tay) dinner last night lagoon-side. A perfectly cooked lobster tail with sides of island sweet potatoes a fried medley of corn shaved from the cob, mushrooms and beet greens in evoo with an over-the-top chardonnay. Talk about high quality fuel.

Running out of topical material and energy here now …

Currently reading a series of research articles on brain health and nutrition. Fascinating how researchers can arrive at such conclusions on what at times seems like shaky foundations.

Finally to close, from that institution of higher learning held in high regard but falling of late as pure bullshit, and I am talking about Ha-vod,

And I am SPARRING readership a similar link to ‘How the (fiasco) is changing the pornography industry.’


Carry on.

Live Free, live Well.

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