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6/8 Jn 2020

Consolidation of days or reports as it has been a roller coaster of Herculean proportions. On the way back from the Colonial training session early Saturday afternoon I was in an accident and Silver is and was not drivable.

After reporting, numerous calls, agonizing hold times, police officers and finally a rental car and I got home to lick the wounds.


No. I am writing from ICU (Intensive Care).

Thanks for asking. I'm fine.

Better now than I was ALL day yesterday and this morning.

The ‘emotional’ tide or tsunami has peaked and past as we all know it would and Monday a whole new set of challenges begins all over again.

Graduate level Crisis Management and Leadership (CM654 in the catalog) in the School of Hard Knocks U.

Speaking of classes, Introduction to Networks starts on Monday and the next new chapter begins.

On line only, according to the ‘websites’ there is NO textbook which has me totally baffled. I’ll log in tomorrow and put up the periscope and start to sort things out.

I was supposed to take Silver to Sherman tomorrow for the FOB and electrical problem and also meet with the attorney but that schedule will be easily reshuffled with phone calls.

Just keep putting foot in front of foot, faster and faster, take a reading every now and then and keep going. Operative words … ‘keep going.’

There are still oodles of obstacles don’t get me wrong and challenges abound.

Also on Monday I need to get Silver towed from Fort Worth to either a) McKinney after first talking to Ron of Ron’s Automotive or b) the Chevy dealership in Sherman.


So hang on and do not be alarmed if accounts, descriptions and reports are spread out and further between. Rest comfortably that I am dealing with these high, hard ones just waiting for the right pitch to drive out of the park.

The cream shall rise.

Bill out. The green bleeding has all but stopped for now, emotional scars are beginning to heal and time now to regroup, go forward and press on.

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