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National S*X day

You bet your … LIFE (?) this Holiday will transfer to the new calendar according to Bill. I mean why WOULDN’T it ? Everyone is supposed to enjoy and like s*x right?

So I’m thinking.

Moving along, the Depths of Depression and traumatic stress SEEM to have passed or at the very least subsided.


I did already.

Small victory moments ago when a phone call returned relieved your correspondent from duties and responsibilities at the 2020 spectatorless PGA event at Colonial. I mentioned to John what a HUGE relief THAT was and he said no problem and ‘Thanks for letting them (him) know.’

Emphasizing ‘SMALL’ victory as many, many more remain before I can nip and light up an imaginary cigar. Recall I quit those nasty things YEARS ago and celebrations are becoming harder to justify AND not harm ones health.

Like drinking.

I DO have a lot to celebrate AND be Thankful for. S*x is not one of them.

With the legal battle on the roof, now the accident and the missing car, the cancelled HH100 what does one have to ‘look forward to’ ?

Rhetorical question.

Art work sales for one.

The Collin College course is continuing into a running joke and very soon to be off the radar.

I look semi-forward to eating and more specifically the next meal. Yesterday I harvested TWO (2) beans of the green variety and cooked them briefly with spaghetti noodles and killer sauce and I could have hogged out but refrained due to training and weight watching.

So my planning calendar now has a new, large open block to fill with other pressing duties.

The training rides will return or REMAIN as scheduled. I need to check on what’s going on with ITCC 1314. With ‘no textbook for this course’ has me wondering if there REALLY and TRULY a course of even the ‘community college’? Or is the WHOLE thing faux or phantom?

I guess this time my closing aliba or excuse will be I have to go to reprioritize and replan due to the sudden appearance of unanticipated ‘new free time.’

Isn’t THAT a switch?

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