18 Jn 2020
The world’s gone crazy … Iggy Pop. Read on if you want or need any proof as expressed brilliantly by this Prophet and His Prophecy.
If I did, so what? How’s keeping score here anyway??
If I didn’t use it I THOUGHT about it and IFFEN I DID and AM repeating myself, how cares???
It is afterall my birthday.
I was up late in anticipation watching the last episode of season 1 of The Saint. Roger Moore was the Saint before he was James Bond and in retrospect (hindsight ?) who could have possibly been better at that role?
There were some great stories and Leslie Charteris was a clever writer. I read the entire Wikipedia on him. Very interesting.
Then just prior to retiring I got a lengthy electronic post from Emma and now I am up WAY PAST my bedtime just reading it.

But the GOOD NEWS is this day will be on the new calendar as a MAJOR Holiday. Birthday shared with Sir Paul (the Beatle) and Blake something (you know … the C & W singer). Sheldon !!
Yes, class today we shall speak briefly on unintended consequences. You can look this up, gather the meaning contextually OR you can take good notes here, write it down and you too can be a Prophet or Wise guy. OOPS … Or Gal … sorry ladies.
When this hoax first broke and the Bishop CANCELLED all Masses, I IMMEDIATELY stated this was a HUGE mistake, would be regretted and sure enough as the cry and word spread that the Church ‘had financial obligations’ and us flockers should NOT forget that factoid so keep on giving.
So now when ‘THEY SAY’ come back to Church, guess who WON’T?
Yours truly.
I have gotten accustomed to Mass on demand. I can listen on an app from a station in Tampa broadcasting from St Agnes there in FL OR from St Paul's cathedral in Minny. Twenty (20) minutes sometimes 15 BANG. DONE.
No handshaking with strangers, no collection(s). Great Homilies often brief. No traffic egressing from the lot.
I will BET on this that the Bishop or Father Eugene WILL NOT miss me.
Unintended consequence.
One sheep wanders off.
If I forget to tune in on Sunday, they rebroadcast so what’s the diff?
Catch up and make up during the week. No biggie.
The cdc said ‘no gatherings …’ so the HH100 goes 'virtual' in a scramble. You think the city of WF isn’t saying ‘Uncle’ to that? I'm thinking BIG TIME HURT for WF economically. Thank you Uncle Sam.
Unintended consequence.
I now have a problem with the government ORDERING people to NOT go to Church or gather in groups. Not that I would want to but I don’t know as they can regulate or impose restricting that Freedom. I am asking … as in rhetorical question (?)
People, this is the flu!! It had been called the Spanish flu, Chinese flu, the Hong Kong flu and SARS. But now with a fancy, politically correct and snazzy new name, fanned by the media and pols, we have a 'pandemic' or as I and referring HOAX.
In the past, as a PRECAUTION during flu season, Communion was limited to the bread and not wine. This was wise because it was and is voluntary and RESPECTED the individual and their judgement.
Not it is ‘Thou Shalt Not …’ as in commandment.
Some of these people WANT the government to tell them to wash their hands.
I’m done.
Unintended consequence.
Take the NHL, MLB ANY of these professional organized criminal activities. They stopped them ALL, now the Powers that be (Austin Powers ?) are realizing the money is drying up and viola!
No Thanks. I think I’ll just stay away PERMANENTLY.
‘Save your money’ as Grampa Jack was fond of saying.
Unintended consequence.
FINALLY, I received an unsolicited email from local Meals-on-Wheels. Recall months ago (pre-hoax) I attended a function and gave them my email address?
Well, I get this bleeding email how ‘our seniors are TERRIFIED’ to leave their homes for fear of contacting the dreaded flu. They (seniors) are ‘struggling’ with more dementia, malnutrition, anxiety etc and by the way ‘Thanks for your past contributions …’
Are you getting the picture?
Unintended consequence.
Unintended consequence.
Fend for yourself, take care of yourself and look out for yourself FIRST.
Anything left, I guess it’s OK to share.
Alright Emma … if I left anything out, reply under separate cover and look for reply manana.
I refuse to waste any more of this ‘special’ day’ tapping lightly on this stupid machine.
Time to celebrate a bit …
Paint and carve working art projects because it is fun …
Laundry because ‘fending and caring for oneself’ and certain things MUST BE DONE … AND clean sheets tonight is part and parcel to the closing ceremony and celebration.
Unintended consequence.
Class dismissed.