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60 June MMXX

Running out of June and this will in all likelihood be IT until August. August's two (2) letter abbreviation will be an option and loyal citizens and participants can use Au OR Ag. My OWN PERSONAL preference will vary and swing depending on mood.


Au of course is the chemical symbol for gold (Au) and the vowel ‘u’ in Au has a higher value than the consonant in Ag which is the chemical shorthand for silver. Silver is my ride and the Lone Rangers trusted steed as well. So you can see my dilemma.

This sort of ‘official option’ is going raise and CAUSE all sorts of confusion and I could see having to explain it COUNTLESS times to members of the local McK artistic ‘community.’ No one has ever accused local artists being either the quickest or brightest. Until now.

Shortly after posting up the last entry, this story entered the electronic mailbox. So sad. Eddie Shack was a certifiable ‘Character’ and that IS with a capital ‘C’. Look him up on youtube and you too will agree he is or now WAS a Legend. Shack was a throwback to the days of carousing and backing up the talk. He could well have been the Walter Hagen of hockey.

I saw a documentary on espn (I think it was ...) and he was darn near illiterate, took the chirping and ribbing and fired it RIGHT BACK.

So it was a pretty productive and nice day here at the cloud.

I worked on a number of projects and I got into a very rhythmic painting groove or ‘zone.’ Two (2) Watching the Shores (.5 and .7) took great strides and are much closer than when the day began.

I also continued carving a ‘lot’ of three (3) gulls for .7. The .7 is sold so as soon as it is completed, it is PAYDAY.

Completed another of the ‘wine box’ series panel wall hangings. It is a ‘new’ product as this one has two (2) sides printed. The front is the name of the winery and the reverse is a map of the Alexander Valley wine region so this hanging is ‘reversible’ and that is a FIRST.

The training ride earlier saw a brutal wind so ‘wind training’ caused the time to bump up to 1:49 for 40K. On top of that were a higher than ‘normal’ number of precautionary safety stops a couple quite long. Tomorrow I am going to make up Wednesdays 24k short hard ride postponed by the three (3) drops of rain.

Saturdays GDR will slip or slid to Sunday. S1 texted and we are going to skate in McK for a little workout on Saturday afternoon and them hang by the cement pond with some beer and maybe cook up something. Should be interesting. I need to get mentally prepared for a full session and concentrate on skating first then not injuring self.

A third comeback is intriguing however realistically unlikely is the best descriptor. Once again watching his games just gets me itching, wishing and wanting to play again. The ‘mind’ gets into the ‘mood’ but the ‘body’ is marginally unwilling or uncooperative at times.

As mentioned, don’t expect anything or much tomorrow. Continue painting and carving, admin tasking still looms and I am looking at a trip out for supplies. NOT looking forward to donning the mask.

And when I get home and the afternoon winds down and out it will be time to celebrate and pull in the weekend with quality time in the pool with a cocktail, shades and appropriate tunes.

Life is grande.

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