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Seventeen Au 20

Yo Fans!! Hoping and trusting everyone is well. It’s time to fill in some gaps with a short update on status and developments here at the cloud. Been busy as usual and the biggest news, the FIRST domino to fall that is cascading a number of others to fall or topple is high speed internet is installed and functional here at the center of the universe.

The new isp is Earthlink and I feel as tho I sneaked one in. The install tech was a ‘third party’ who happened to be dressed in ATT costume so if there is ‘no collusion’ there I will be shocked.

Searching is LIGHTNING quick and it is awesome. All aspects are not finely tuned as yet but in time.

The MESH network will be next or very soon. Last night I used the smart phone as a hotspot to access prime.

Anyway, a big day today as I received a list of ‘things to do’ to set up the new etsy page. All sorts of data to gather, comform and comply with etsy rules. Kyle was going to do it but he is busy as well and cannot set price points nor write as well as I when it comes to descriptions.

So here is a collections of links with amusing headlines pulled from the ‘faux news’ some of the stories not worth the time to click on forgetting to waste the time on the whole article. In some cases and OpEd will follow. Some are too crazy to make up.

OpEd: Glad to PASS on this one. But check out the pictures. Looks like an event for exhibitionists to flaunt what little they have. Note NO Cardashians riding this year.

Just the headlines here is sufficient …

OpEd: HE’S BACK. Whoever thought he’d come back as in ressurect and end up with the patriots…?

OpEd: On my list of things to do when hades freezes. See where I want to live when I exit McK.

OpEd: Note to self: DO NOT come back as a bear. Euthanized? That sucks to be a bear. DO NOT make-a-wish and come back as a black bear. A grizzly MAYBE …

WHAT IF it was her FIANCE in a black bear costume ? JUST ASKING …!!! I’m smelling a made for tv movie OR a conspiracy… of some sort. OR simply faux news

Perspective …

OpEd: c-19 is a media-generated event to sell papers, air time or magazines. PROOF.

OpEd: Just in case YOU need something to worry about. Recommend AVOIDING Jersey.

ALL the ‘NEWS’ isn’t bad …

OpEd: FYI. I didn’t even KNOW there was such a category.

Chow peeps.

If you can’t laugh, you will cry.

Then you die.

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