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27 Je 21

The ‘lucky’ 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time and shamefully omitted from the previous report was six (6) months until Christmas. And yes Ms. Bold Caps I have been doing some Christmas shopping squirreling away the random, occasional gift as I see fit for the A-lister.


Come on. I’m not even so sure we are even friends and forget the A-list.

Moving along briskly as breakfast is cooking. The last cup of hot coffee is evaporating, switching to iced tea next beverage refill.

I got tomorrows training ride in this morning as rain has popped into the forecast. Only 10% but I am now free with a nice long two (2)-day break for a rest.

Plus the project artisitique inventory build is full bore all of today AND tomorrow iffen need be. The cardinal deal looks like a ‘stood up’ but no worries as I sold it well below what the market will bear if you get my drift. I am predicting it WILL SELL.

Watching the Shore (WS.8) is a strong contender for completion today. I am focused on another payday and sooner is better.

Here is a link for a new position for a career change-minded individual.

I want to be a heat officer when I grow up. She certainly looks the part but come on.

This being Sunday the plants get water inside and out. The luckiest ones also get a feeding. Tomatoes are now officially in surplus. Lettuce is still being clipped and a bumper crop of eggplant is just around the corner. The garden is having a good season.

Some heavier outdoor work is on the docket as well. I’m talking with a hand saw versus the chain & motor variety. The bay leaf tree remaining trunks must come down. New growth is taking off so all good there.

There is some kind of plant, ‘Purple Hawthorne-something’ and it is toast and about to feel the saw. It is or WAS a low value plant anyway so good to go and good riddance. I have a small lime tree to go in its place.

How COOL is THAT iffen I get one (1) LIME from it.

OK. Got to beat feet and boogie.

Oh, had a business dinner last night and at the bar afterwards I see Red Sox v nyy on the bar telly. Had difficulty diverting eyes as Sox were dominating ‘the bombers.’

So I get home and text S1 aka Br 12 (Bd12) and he says game is on 4 fox so I get on the tunedIn app and find an AM station out of Boston and listened to the last three (3) innings live thru the sound bar while I burned scales and fins on tropical fish projets artistiques.

You could say I was in Heaven.


Thanks. I didn’t mean that …

Same old Sox tho made a valiant attempt to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and hung on Thanks to the lummox Error Judd the RF.

I told S1 that that oaf could not play on half the MLB teams and is GROSSLY over-rated.

Now I got to go.

I am going to see what time today’s game is and have the first pitch broadcast here at the cloud, loudly and proudly over the Bluetooth. I MIGHT even put on my Red Sox game cap.




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