28 Jne 21
Monday, Monday so dreadful and sad to see the first half of June end. This will probably be it for the first half as I am taking a knee in Thanks and for the briefest of respites for the pace has been grueling.
I was just checking and I hit everything on my to-do list from yesterday PLUS I went to Allen for a 7:15 puck drop, Championship game Bulldogs V Warriors. Very happy for S1, former linemate and teammate coming out on top 5-0 in a very good game. Bd12 (FKA Br12) had 1G, 1A and made some good plays. The team picture with the trophy had everyone, EVERYONE with the HUGEST of smiles and both glad and proud that they all get to experience the pure joy of a Championship. It does mean much know however as time passes it will mean much more still.
Anyway, the threat of rain today is bearing out and smart move yesterday pulling in today’s ride to Sunday. Overcast and cooler so working inside on the inventory build is most welcome. I think a couple days rest right now will serve me well. The next ride is high intensity, hard 24K on Wednesday.
I placed an order with my brother for some shorebird cutout blanks. I can move a couple of them ahead for July Artwalk in Galveston and plenty of time for to finish a number of others for the Big Show in October.
I also struck fortunate with an order for glass eyes.
Last night after the game I went to the website for Bigfoot Carving and 30 June to 9 July they will NOT be shipping orders as it looks like a vacation is planned. I am hoping my order ships before but if not, there are plenty of other projects to fill the void.
Vaccination ?? Sure, take a shot …
How would you KNOW if someone inadvertanly OR INTENTIONALLY switched YOURS ? Or worse … MINE ??
Personally I have lost ALL confidence, Faith and trust in the government AND ALL FORMS of media.
I will be a black sheep or a goat for that matter and NOT a member of this particular ‘flock.’ Thank you VERY MUCH.
OK Fans. I am getting the feeling and sensation I am lingering in Procrastination Station and need to start attacking project artistique of which there are many.
So continue enjoying the summer wherever your are.
Southern Siberia, the Netherlands, Lubbock or Southlake.
Enjoy a (very) cold beer preferably in the shade where I find and think it best, watermelon and SPIT the seeds recreationally, some blueberries and anything and everything GOOD.
Life is grande.
Keep the pedal to the metal and cranking …