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3 · 9 · 21 Twosday

And the Final Jeopardy answer is … [ping]


'What is three (3). Lowest common multiple …'

'And how much did you wager ?'

'5000000000 rupees … you’re our winner !!'

Between birthdays Monday NextGEN.1, Tomorrow NextGEN.2 aka GS.1 celebrates. Mom is taking him and a couple of buds to the local firehouse to meet the firemans, take them some cookies, see the trucks, turn on the light and siren (for a quick blast) etc. Trust me, it’s a HUGE time.

Still fighting to get off the wait list and into the show at WWAF. One salvo this morning in the form of an email and working on a more detailed letter asserting self and making my case for inclusion. Very difficult with my personality type. We shall see.

This will be it. Waiting and seeing I told FB and Br12 in separate conversations simply won’t get it done as the vicious self-promoters will and most likely ARE embellishing, lying and inflating achievements much as politicians do to get in.

You see Phans, it’s ALL A GAME.

Look out for thyself or be left behind groping and wondering ‘Wha’ happened ?’

Plans on top of Plans I need to start pulling plugs or triggers on some of these AI (action items) here fairly quickly.

Today Rick the arborist stopped to check the palms and other trees and shrubs. He first said the palms were ‘toast’ BEFORE looking at them. That pissed me off. He pointed out a smaller tree across the street visible from my front yard where we were standing and yes, it looked very bad as in dead and when he actually INSPECTED mine his tune changed a little. I was slightly disappointed. I think he was just being a smart ass. TRYING to be or showing what an 'expert' he was.

MY PLAN here is to wait, watch and pray before removal and then deciding what to do next. I suppose were I a member of a certain ‘tribe’, I would file an insurance claim but that is a losing proposition ALL the way around. I’ll buy a new tree or two and plant it myself. Screw them ALL.

Did you know that the difference between ‘safe’ and ‘sane’ is one (1) Keystroke … THINK ABOUT IT …

You can go from comfy as in secure and happy to committed to an institution on a typo. BE CAREFUL, check EVERYTHING TWICE. And NO, it’s NOT just for Santa any more.

I stopped in to local Michael’s store today for some neon blue as the garbage brand I bought was not covering the wood well enough. I got the closest match in the Liquitex heavy and on the way out before check out was asked by the little girl greeter if I needed help.

You know the one … mask, colorful tats visible on upper arms, half her head of hair was dyed black, the other half blonde indicating some confusion I am thinking. Round wire-rimmed granny glasses but the purest, clear blue eyes I had seen since about 2007. The one standing near the door.

I thought up a couple smart alex answers but passed and went legit.

She answered the questions and I returned the electric blue tube to the rack in favor of her proposed solution of an application of gesso before using the thin neon blue from china.

The gesso has been applied and tomorrow we shall see if she knows what she is talking about.

I told her I hated her because I hadn’t thought of that particular solution and we shared a laugh.

You’re now current.

Bow your head for a blessing from Bill por favor …

Keep this reader safe and sane, sheltered from all harm(s) and free to think creative, good and independent thoughts. May they continue to prosper and thrive and know no ill will.

In God we Trust



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