32 Ju 21

Did you ever wake yourself up in the night first with a loud release of flatus and then panic realizing that it MIGHT NOT be a drill and live? Well I did. Last night.
I find it one of those mysterious adventures in life that nobody really talks about on social media. I think such things may be one of those benefits of growing older if there is such a thing.
But before moving along I must add shitting the bed is to be avoided. Period. NOT just 'whenever possible'.
I am told the staff does not take kindly to such offenders and cleaning up such a disaster. One MUST always remain on the ‘good side’ of the staff or else rumor is that they beat you expertly so the marks resemble a fall and are easily explained at shift change.
I mean who is the judge going to believe?
A young innocent female or an old codger who probably already has taken a dive once or twice?
I need to run but its been fun.
Time for my sponge bath.
MUST stay on the good side of the staff.
Clean sheets today, sponge bath ... ALL good.
Did you ever have a cool sponge bath on a hot summer day by a rookie trainee?