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33 Ju

Crypto early morning day for GDR of 105K and the Mimus polyglottis was BLASTING at 4:17 AM. I semi-retired early last night with my new friend 1390am WSYB in Rutland, VT listening to the Red Sox V ‘Swingin’ A’s from Oakland. It was a late game as they were playing on the road and on the wrong coast.

I was slumbering and napping between innings and sometimes even between pitches.

Sox win 3-2 in 10.

The point being I am awake, alert, up and ready and YOU are the Beneficiary.

This time of the calendar year is and can be fairly confusing which in this day, age or period (as in Jurassic) could be considered ‘normal and healthy’ which is of course what I AM considering it. With so many idiots, imbeciles, morons and twits running around, confusion is the new normal.

As Martha I (the First) would say, ‘it’s a good thing’.

I could make Marty the image today but since she was in the pen and smoking dope with ‘Snoop Dog’, and I have only an older, WHOLESOME image, not so much.

I even hesitate to say that I get the feeling she is desperate to remain significant and in the spotlight taking ‘selfies’ of herself in her pool which are nearly unrecognizable and frankly kind of slutty and hot at the same time.

I mean I would respect her more probably if she embraced Snoopy the Dog of Charles Schulz fame.

I am digressing WILDLY and getting off track.

Time is short once again as the sun will be rising soon and with it daylight so after posting, then checking the weather will decide and determine if today is right for the ride OR PPD until Sunday which his tomorrow and the Holiday.

Yesterday while out a delivery was made here from amazon which was 25 lb dumbbells. I was most anxiously awaiting as they were ‘back ordered’ apparently from China.

I know. America workers apparently cannot manufacture this type of item.

I have used 25lb-ers before whilst on travel and could feel the difference. It won’t be long before yt (yours truly) will be showcasing the ripped torso ala instagram and from there it's just a short leap to the yahoo headlines. You’ve seen them …

‘Leanne Rimes flashes toned abs in neon green 2 piece’.

Anyway, the Fourth of July eve looms and we can now think about burning the house down. (Ike Rielly:8 more days …)

Looking forward to a FULL DAY off on the 4th.

Bill’s Mediterranean Resort and Spa has a visitor booked. Full privileges including anonymity, privacy and personal security.

They WILL BE covered.


SERIOUSLY? You are an idiot and of course it will.

What ARE YOU thinking … replacing it with ‘Pride day’ or some such nonsense ?

You must be a some sort of tard.

This is OVER.

Cheers for the perhaps the Great American Holiday w/e THINK 'Independence Day'.




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