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3M 21

HOW could I NOT do a report on a date such as this I ask you? I mean is it magical or what? I think I am going to name my company after this date...

Short entry here now as STRANGLED for time. Breakfast or coffee meeting early and a client student-intern to follow for the balance of the afternoon to dinnerdoing artsy-fartsy projects.

Newsworthy items or marginal to elevated interest levels …

ANY TIME ‘beer’ is in the headline it MUST BE news worthy and a candidate for a read. Needless to say Your obedient servant has NOT read this one yet so enjoy and report back. I CAN remove after the fact with suitable ‘edit’ and admin authority. No prob.

This is EXACTLY the type of headline you, the unsuspecting and blind gobbler-up of faux news, pseudo-news or outright propaganda. Tugging or at least playing with your emotions. DON’T BE SWAYED !!


EVERYONE is going to die. It doesn’t matter how, why or under what specific set of circumstances. I have said it before in this vehicle, when God (the big fella) calls or taps you on the shoulder, no helmet, car seat, safety harness, seat belt, hand-sanitizer or mask will save you. I’m sorry. Get ready, prepare to DEAL WITH IT.

I know I am.


You seen Rush yet? He’s on his way you know. I applied for the new opening but didn’t get your slot so now I am HOPING with another opening I can apply and get FILTHY rich as in dripping all over. And audiences in the hundreds or teens. Get back to smokingl large cigars, you know, REAL STATUS...


I got to run.

You can get off the bus and jump under it.

I’m too busy and YOU could say stressed but I am NOT going to say that.




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