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3rd Monday of S

Early Monday morning and a quick note to dash as it is now CRUNCH time. Later this week the wheels actually begin turning and as I was telling Poor Richard yesterday, there is considerable stress to ‘perform and produce’ this time for there are now considerably more expenses thus risk(s) to take into account.

As mentioned, I was up early but still half-asleep but while making a batch of my high-antioxidant, vitamin-rich and immune-boosting herbal tea blend the lights ALL went out. Yep, everything went dark, except the nearly full moon. It was 3:56.

As I looked outside, it was kind of beautiful but a bit scary. The vulnerability and the unknown surrounding the power outage sent me promptly into survival mode and I grabbed the emergency radio, laptop and cell phone each with a fully charged battery IOW ‘independent power sources’ and made my way to the bunker to ride it out.

Once securely inside, I turned on the small lamp so when the electric came on, I would know at once. As I began working, I told myself not to be alarmed nor startled when it suddenly lit up.

And when it finally did at 4:59, I wasn’t.

I went back to the kitchen and proceeded from where I left off before I ‘lost’ that hour.

Emma checked in via electronic mail last night from Lubbock. As always good to hear the news and get a report from the American outback. I dashed off a quick reply and E, sorry for the sad state of last correspondence. I was whipped and I fear leaning or SLUMPING too far towards incoherence.

One of the intentions of the early rise was to go over some of the substack material and tutorials before light and projet artitiques and other duties popped up.

I must mention the learning curve with the new vehicle is steep and slippery. However biting off and chewing small pieces seems to be the best approach so far. I have an ‘Intro’ launched so it is off the ground and now after lift-off climb and navigate.

The only problem and it is both manageable and minor is the timing. No blame, excuses, fault or foul operative word ‘manageable’.

Moving along, I will say that the writers on substack are exposing many, many facets of the epidemic and frankly echo many of my sentiments which BTW are NOT mentioned AT ALL in the msm.

I think I have what is described in this article …

Where is the censorship when it is needed?

The next article/link is a case where the media is acting totally irresponsibly which keeps me irritated and scratching my heads as to their agenda.

I mean WHY publish such a slanted and biased article directed at or towards people that aren’t lining up to be guinea pigs for this panacea which BTW may be doing more damage, causing more harm and death than the general population is being told? Go figure and let me know when you find out.

CHOOSING NOT to be a guinea pig, this FURTHER nudges such persons towards the margins as outliers, outsiders and basically rebellious malcontents. Sad, disgusting and I sincerely and truly hope that such accounts are driving MORE PEOPLE away from the msm however I fear realistically MORE PEOPLE are reading such NONSENSE and swallowing the hook, line and even the sinker as we slide deeper and deeper into this major league diversion and hoax.

The media, like the government once was the problem, now IS the PROBLEM.

I am taking comfort that more higher profile people are ‘coming out’ and showing some courage. Athlete Chris Sele (Red Sox pitcher who missed games under MLB ‘protocol’) and Sarah Palin both announced in the public domain they opted not to take the vaccine.

OK. Sorry for allowing the emotional coup and takeover but I’m OK now ready to wrap this up and get to work.

The list of items I am trying to get finished and have ready for this weekend will most certainly and very likely be trimmed further today, tomorrow and even on Wednesday.

DO NOT look for a report unless or until I get some down time, the power is on and the energy level sufficient to issue another award-winning piece.

MUST check on opening of the State Fair.



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