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Day, month and year in minimal format, no leading zeros to cornfuse things. I like it. Once again the MAGIC of March. FAR SUPERIOR to ‘March madness’ …

A Rocket and Blast-off day Bay-bee !!

Adrenaline, blast, confidence etc, etc and really rolling. March is magnifique. I have rediscovered the ‘dark hour’ before the dawn.

Another LARGE day so getting up, fired up and Full Speed ahead.


I gots to Sweetie. If one sits around and waits, why I'd be just like YOU !!

Headed to Glen’s and the sawmill with Donnie in search of wood. I have about three (3) things to bounce off of Glen so additional business there. ALWAYS looking for SELECT pieces of wood for the right base or something that might fit a future projet artisitique.

Speaking of art, moving into crunch time. The period for the Spring shows is now just sitting perched on the horizon.

Perhaps it was the session with the intern yesterday but I am REALLY fired up. I got so much accomplsihed and done yesterday and still trying to figure out exactly ‘why’. Perhaps it was having another person here working and bouncing things and thoughts off of.

Anyway, it was successful and another FULL day today.


I need to call Sally at WWAF to check status on the ‘Wait list’. Just to show continuing and KEEN interest, where I am at on the list and get a feel or sense so I can make plans to volunteer OR tailoring the inventory and figuring out arranging the tent real estate for ‘fine art’ in FOUR (4) WEEKS.

Then the next show would be the single day Saturday in May at Market Street in the Woodlands and make MORE decisions (aka Plans) and determine new strategy(ies) for that show. Like MAYBE a 10 x 20 tent for a larger display of more smaller inventory items.

Must dash. Post this up, load Silver, go and then get back./

Forecast is for superb Spring weather (FINALLY) so MAYBE an outside ride squeezed in before the party.


You heard me correctly.

Besides, I AM an artist. WE can do ANYTIME. NO RULES WRT Parties. Don't need a reason OR an excuse ...

Here's how it came about ... I KNOW you are DYING to KNOW ...

I was in a quandary stumped finding a photographer for diital images to submit to jury for October show in Galveston. This DEADLINE is coming up in May (21) so it is not too early and lke a Mad Hatter, NO ONE wants to be late scrambling within the two (2) minute drill or the final minute of play.

So I called Nancy, a neighbor and fellow local artist for a recommendation or referral. We chatted and she not only DELIVERED but invited me to a little party her and her husband have each Thursday for neighbors.

I naturally accepted to improve and enhance my social life and standing. Nancy first told me about the governor lifting the mask ban plus the referral for the photographer I actually knew but did not realize Mark took such photos.

Anyway, moving now to close and wrapping this mess up, I called Mark and am dropping off projects tomorrow, that’s Friday morning and now THAT item is checked off the list. This is a huge relief (!!!) s the images need to go from McK to PA for digital enhancement and formatting by Larry the photographer, digital artist and jury JUDGE for final touch ups.


Listen sweets, this is a competitive business and what I am doing is taking care of MY BUSINESS and avoiding a large bite being taken out of my rear.

Later gator.



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