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WELCOME BACK!! I have been on the road, out-of-pocket or out-of-town and returning yesterday and settling in nicely Thank you very much.


I did a show in Houston and spent a few extra days for travel and visiting FB & Co at Paradise South. For security reasons I did not broadcast the fact nor the itinerary as there are now simply FAR TOO MANY nut cases running and wondering around the planet to take such chances or seek similar thrills AND this is CONFIRMED.


The show was a resounding success and for the second consecutive time a blast.

EVERYTHING was beyond good and even more great than good most of the time.

I made money which is always good when involved in such a business. However again let me remind the viewer here now that is not the sole reason for such things merely a factoid that I covered and recovered IMMEDIATE expenses of the booth.

Oh sure there were sales which are anticipated and expected but one never knows to what extent.

For the first time I processed SUCCESSFULLY credit card trannies. (2 ... DOS) which going forward will be a big deal as the business grows which is very cool.

As the last time, the peeps and locals were top shelf. Meeting a variety of interesting people with their own stories can be categorized as a ‘fun time’. Of course there MIGHT have been a turd or even two but after three (3) days I cannot recall specifics to elaborate so THAT’S good. iOWs ... little turds.

I spoke to a few people about lessons and there is one that actually FOLLOWED UP and we have aleady exchanged emails working details so that is both a highlight and very exciting.

There were also a couple of prospects and potential future business deals and developments. These always seem to happen especially as the day wears on, the pace picks up and traffic gets drunk.

One power couple were a builder ad designer, respectively, and were keen on the live edge display shelf. We went a step further and talked about arranging a trip up to Glen’s warehouse and sawmill but we shall see if this develops to fruition. It AT LEAST gives me an excuse to give Glen a bell.

Another couple lingered admiring my work. He was a former worker in such things wooden and could no longer due to Parkinson’s which was beginning. He showed me his (slighest of) tremor which I thought ‘extreme’ and poor form but remained still (as my Mom would say). It was sad but we glanced over the sadness and quickly returned to the light banter and exchange of things more pleasant.

Today I awake to a NY summer vacation day. Overcast, dark, still and the most intermittent light rain. AND if it needed to be WORSE, it is BARELY 16° C. I am seriously thinking of a small fire inside the box to reduce the waste trimmings from the garage.

No REAL firewood as it is afterall well into May. Soon we will be talking about June.

Todays goal is to complete and install the new wine rack in the pantry. PERIOD. Increase capacity from 12 to 32 bottles. It needs to get done.

What else, what else … ?

Can’t think of anything of merit but down the list to ‘B’ items is planning the next show and schedule work. No yard work which I am DELIGHTED to report. The lawn could use a going over with the mower.

OH, last image was from the local beverage store … Therapist craft brew in a bottle.

I simply could NOT RESIST a dig at the low-lifes and found it ironic that a number of people ‘opt-in’ for a therapist in a bottle to ‘self-medicate’ which is about as much nonsense as the ‘real thing’.

Speaking of jokes ...

JOKE: What do you say to a one-legged hitch-hiker?

A: Hop in.

Think about it.



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