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6 9 Intergalactic Sex day

Earth years 2021 as this is where we are keeping score. And the answer is yes this WILL BE a Grand Holiday on the Calendar according to Bill.

It is another dark day here at the cloud so no news to report regarding the weather. As I look out I see a tree bend in the breeze or a branch shift turning its leaves to the dull side.

I am as usual pressed for time but could not pass up this day/date for an entry.

But first, a belated Happy Birthday to the late Prince on 6-7. I know right. How did we miss THAT?

Were the weather not so darn inclement we would be flying the flag at half-way. No less celebrity than Barry O’B righteously proclaimed Prince could ‘do it all’. Like crack, meth and the entire oxy-series and I am pretty sure he did inhale.

I think BO was referring to honestly blues, rock, jazz, R&B and of course hip-hop.

I moved on to the next current read and it is a winner. Battle of the Bay is a historical account of Galveston during the Civil War. Just fascinating the events, characters and places that shaped this now very controversial period in our History.

On this last trip to Galveston I stopped into the Rosenberg Library for a quick look see and Wowveston. A ‘must return’ for sure. The RPL is cited extensively in the Battle of the Bay with charts, maps, old pictures and newspaper accounts all of great historic value and interest.

That’s all Folks.

I really don’t want to get too wound up early and spent too much time on this low value activity when I could be having s*x.

Or training. I am now officially ‘slipped behind’ schedule however I am neither disappointed, dismayed OR God forbid ‘depressed’.

Recall this is a 100 K year (that’s kay as in KILO-meters (km)) and besides, the sessions thus far have had good pace except for the safety slows & stops.

Like yesterday. Closest call EVER. Bimbo young blonde driving a dark SUV TOTALLY NOT paying attention. I saw her all the way and she mouthed ‘sorry’ and waved. BFD. Like that was going to make being a hood ornament more comfortable.

I called her some choice names which I was going to place here with ‘rhymes with …’ but this is still a Fam friendly site so not today.

I do not know when the next account will be posted. I DO KNOW that we are approaching entry 900 which is a testimony to my greatness or stupidity.

Now I’m done.

Thank you Ms Bold Caps for not interrupting and prolonging this account. She is probably ‘sleeping in’ with some younger Mr Wright enjoying the day.

Enjoy the day.



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