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7 – 21 - 21

Very interesting date designation this day. While rolling the numbers around in my mind in a full-blown attempt at neuroplasticity, mathematically this date is seven (7) sevens (7). Get it?



7 + (7+7+7 OR 3 x 7)+ (7+7+7 OR 3 x 7)

Another way, 7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7 the LONG way OR ...

Most efficiently, 7+ [2/(3x7)].

Anyway, here is an interesting article I have NOT read. This is one of those affirmation headlines confirming what I was or AM thinking OR already know. There is a chronic pet obsession epidemic and this would validate that in the case of

dogs they KNOW what they are doing.

While in Galveston for the show on Saturday, I was approached by an engaging chap and he axed me when dogs had gained so much power as ‘support’ animals. We conversed pleasantly for a few minutes and I mentioned that these animal lovers obviously were unaware of toxoplasmosis and it dangers.

Then shock-of-shocks he was not only FAMILIAR with toxop but KNEW of it AND AGREED. This marks the very FIRST citizen I have bumped into that was knowledgeable. EVER.

It turned out that he was a nurse and the otherwise light in the loafers, the cheery smile and swishing demeanor went unnoticed.

So the two (2) major calendar events and focal points now and next are the HH100 and ArtOBERfest.

The bike ride and art show both are demanding time for training and logistics support along with inventory management nearly every day with small exceptions. I have learned that when such things are planned and on the calendar that the best approach without question is nibble away at each on a regular, methodical and measured manner which I am doing here now.

And you (one) CANNOT shurk, slack off or shirk such duties for once you START, then it becomes a habit and the entire plan IMPLODES. Craters completely and one has wasted time.

So, there you see the method to the madness. It is mostly common sense and certainly without question NOT rocket science otherwise I would be working for NASA.

OK. Must dash.

A little allocation of time every now or then for this blog (aka journal or report) fits and does not become a problem iffen it can be managed and maintained within acceptable limits.


Oh I know. Sometimes I can burp out something beyond the breathable atmosphere and make perfect sense.

With this one there is the slightest of fear, no … ‘APPREHENSION’ that the OPINION or position on pets will set off citizens of the Nation.

To those most easily offended and I KNOW you are out there, I have only one word in reply and a word of advice.


Get a life AND, practice TOLERANCE accepting the Free Speech and opinion of others.

DISS – missed.

This WILL BE on the test Friday.



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