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As one can clearly see, today is a numerically significant date as the numbers are arranged all in descending order. Not such a rare occurrence in this year of 2021 as all prime numbers were common in 2019.

But here now in these troubling times we look for cause(s) to celebrate so let’s get after it.

Labor day passed without incident, harm or foul. Emma checked in from the American outback aka Lubbock inquiring HH100 results.

I guess officially I DNF because I did not start. I am getting a sense I have done this account or incident report before and not wishing to repeat myself and risk the wrath and rash diagnosis of ‘pre-alzy’, I shall move forward.

Son 1 came over and we hung out, did do some splashing in the cement pond tossing the little football. We barbecued a rabbit that I marinated and made fajitas or tacos with potato salad I also made.


As mentioned, marinated and roasted over charcoal with grilled vegetables in a tortilla.


Not really.

They are pests here on the Hill and after purchasing this one for $35 from a commercial outfit, it takes me one step closer to harvesting the little bastards as a means, tag and filed under ‘environmental control.’ Pest management as they interfere with my garden crops showing no mercy so why should I?

All I am saying is the time for reckoning is approaching and no, I DO NOT think they are cute. At all.

For the record, we both agreed it tasted exactly like … wait for it … chicken!!

I do have some leftover and a stir fry is scheduled for latter this week and the final act will be soup with vegetables swmming also on the menu. That will be the last chance for the effing rabbit to get that close to MY vegetables.

Yesterday I worked all day on painting tropical fish for the upcoming Fall shows. The queen triggerfish (4) showed the greatest progress and I REALLY got focused going one to the next and over to the Humuhumunukanuka… spec signs.

I got up early this morning and it was dark well after dawn and checking the weather 100% chance of rain out of no where.

It is a perfect day for such indoor activites and a have a number. Planning on sauerkraut in a jar, a second batch of zacusca as eggplant and red bell peppers are in season and on sale this week at K-roget. The first batch was a small yield as a jar broke in the water bath at the end. So sad and what a mess to clean. Which I did.

I also need to decant the 2021 apricot and blackberry nalewka (aka cordials).

So much to do and occupy my time.

Well, I started this effort not knowing how long I could sustain or last and the creative surge, like a cramping bowel movement, has regrettably passed.

Paints, brushes and projects are calling from studio alpha.



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