2 N
The First entry for November (N) and Toosday. Trying to settle, get things sorted out and start moving in a direction, preferably forward but right now I would take almost any direction and THAT would be fine.
I have a list but checking the weather this week we are looking at rain Tuesday thru Friday before sunshine returns for the weekend.
I have 2-3 shows or events that I can and need to start navigating around or towards.
On the new calendar according to Bill you will do well to note and remember these changes for the month of N (November).
Day I (one) will be All Saints day when the celebration will center on, wait for it … ALL of the Saints. However in the name of independence and total freedom (of expression) YOU can pick the saint.
For the agnostics and aetheists, recognize and celebrate Saint Valentine, St Patrick, St Elmo etc.
One day only. If that's all they can relate to.
Then starting on the second day, the celebration will switch to the Dead as the focal celebrant and source of reverence as ALL of the dead will be remembered in a much broader scale and over time. Think ‘moments of silence’ as needed throughout the first part of the month.
This will go on for two (2) weeks as in ‘fortnight’.
At around midnight on the 15th or so, more or less, the ‘cause’ flips to Thanksgiving.
All good citizens change course, and gear up for year-end Thanksgiving celebration roughly analogous to what is celebrated in this age with customs and traditions that can be traced back to Early white America and the pilgrims/Puritans fiesta with the Native indigenous Americans who were friendly at first out of hospitality but shortly flipped after some shady real estate dealings by the whites but that’s another story.
At any time between 25N and 1D the Christmas decos can go up. This celebration or observance continues until 26D and at midnight anyone with decorations remaining up will be arrested, rounded up, send to holding camps and scheduled for a public execution. Of their choice. Shot, hung, electrocution or lethal injection.
This way in a year or two the population is either weeded out entirely, the sheeps COMPLY OR there is a BRAND NEW event and cause de célébrer.
I got to go.