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4 F

Real quick report as we are headed into a cold weekend so spirits everywhere need a lift. I know it’s not much but the LEAST I can do to contribute to the betterment and overall well-being to Humans, the race and beings in general.


But seriously I am stating to see signs of hope.

Good news !!

I see shares in ‘social media’ are tumbling drastically. PERHAPS people are returning to their collective senses. AND more countries are scraping the epidemic bullshit aka ‘flu-season’ nonsense.

More people are calling for Fauci to step down, resign, be fired or go away. The death threats are a bit extreme in my opinion. Be gone you old fart. Exchanges between Fooch & Senator Rand Paul are pure theater. I am amazed an octogenarian can be so downright arrogant.

Today I will cancel my amazon prime account. I see they are upping the price for their ‘service’ What? Bezos needs another yacht or is he financing yet another ex? Life sure is cruel.

Oh, I KNOW ... EVERYTHING else is going up. Dial 1-800-CALLJOE.

I also see ratings for the Olympics are tanking. The Chinese are showcasing their ‘wonderful’ system. P on that. NOT WATCHING. SAME with the Stupid Bowl. Far FAR better things to do than watch idiotic, ridiculous and stupid commercials for things, items and services I DO NOT NEED. AND that's all it is ... a SHOWCASE for mostly commercials and advertisements.

Here is a link to the Chinese cheating yet again. At least the Russians embraced ice hockey with an extensive national program involving youth and created an admirable product competitive and recognized on the world stage. I mean Putin plays. Can you see Gropin’ Joe gearing up?

OK. Got to run.

Yesterday received electronic call to artists for six (6) month exhibit, show and sale at city hall in neighboring Frisco. Artists are allowed to submit two (2) 2-D pieces. Plenty of time to either finish OR decide which one(s) to submit. This is low impact with a medium-to-high probability of ROI (return on the investment) so most attractive.

Still cold and miserable here outside. As always cool inside.

Pat, give me a call when you get a minute. Concerned about your headaches, 24/7 for you lines are open.

Chow peeps.

Warmest wishes for a warmer weekend.

Remain resolute and stay warm.



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