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We are living in a contaminated, vile cesspool, septic system of a world that grows more disgusting every day.

Entry 1001 starts now.

It’s kind of like being a millionaire, making it and then starting work on the SECOND million. I think.

I have heard some whispering and concerns about my well being so I felt it necessary to jump on here real quick, issue a report to ease those concerns of the 5-10 regs & irregs that MIGHT be worried as well as inquiring minds.

Anyway, I am fine after the wreck in Houston. Silver is being repaired, the art work remains as replanned in Corpus and the Colonial starts later this week. This too may change.

But back to the world and its current state; things have deteriorated to a point such that I cannot now even scroll down the list of headlines let alone copy the links or read the entire article.

I mean why? What's the point? It's probably ALL made up anyway.

I have far, FAR better things to do than following, monitoring or checking up on the floating pieces of fecal material and their ‘friends’.

At the very top I see the headline AG is going to file suit against Markie Zuck something about a facebook privacy breach. Sorry but that’s about as far as I got. I even see ‘fb’, I tense up and RUN for a shot or a vaccination.


You know what I mean for THAT’S what I’m talking about.

The world is a disgusting place, the ‘news’ nauseating and what you, me, we and us are all being ‘fed’ is garbage.

We are being told to comply, like it and just march. OR as an option get out of the way of ‘progress’.

I want to vomit and go postal.

But I won’t.

Take care peeps.

Rest easy, stay calm, remain ABOVE everything else and do NOT under any circumstances …




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