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A new day, new month and into the new year. Cheers to a Fresh Start.
For some strange or perhaps it is even a bizarre reason I am getting a sense that things are returning to normal.
Perhaps it is NOT normal but more a numbing sensation combined with acclimations.
Whatever is behind it, the January birthdays are all behind us and everyone else’s is scheduled and coming up so just sit tight. There is a Plan, it WILL unfold and God has it so don’t worry.
I got a call yesterday and spoke to my Mom. Bless her heart she is reaching the point in her life where she has now outlived most of her friends and she LOVES to worry. In fact, she struggles with things to worry about. The ‘Team’ seems to be in a protective mode reassuring her that there is in fact NOTHING to worry about.
When she emotionally states she misses my deceased Father, I tell he I do as well and we usually swap stories. Some I have heard and to her credit some I hadn’t heard or didn’t know.
But anyway, I had a bang up day yesterday.
When I saw the weather forecast early in the day, the plan that fell into place was no spa session but again I found myself wonderfully mistaken.
Easy. And Thanks for asking Ms Bold Caps.
Recall that I loaded the bases on Sunday with a full Plan for Monday and the week. This included sending via US mail important letters, making copies and some artwork reductions of a new fish pattern. This was launched with an intricate marathon copy & printing session at local 518 Office Depot.
I had polished this plan with everything laid out and in a folder WITH INSTRUCTIONS including stamped and addressed envelopes ready to go so abbreviating and truncating I NAILED it.
The value of a well-made plan well-executed showed true colors and merit yesterday on a Monday no less.
A stop at the post office to make the drop and a short list at Winco and I was home just before noon. It was warm, the sun was popping thru and I felt in a celeratory mood, fired up the spa and yet again it was GLORIOUS for the THIRD day in a row.
Checking the weather I KNEW that the rest of the week was not going to be nice enough AND it being Feb chances were low another opportunity would not be presenting itself anytime soon. And with the projet artistique schedules today was OK but NOT for a lengthy session.
I set the timer on my watch and got out to do some yard work.
But my Mom called and as I explained to her I needed to keep digging out more of the shrubs that got whacked in the Winter of 2021 deep freeze.
My goal having done two (2) large ones on Sunday and learning that the root system was shallow and easily removed I set a lower objective of two (2) and move on for this day. I set the timer again for 30 minutes and started. One went quick. The second came out like a rotten tooth. Three left with about 20 minutes to spare. Decision time.
Go for it.
The last three came out the final small one just before the timer went off.
Now I FEEL like I had kicked some serious ass, enjoyed the moment and experienced a true sense of accomplishment.
A final highlight to wrap up this mess was an electronic notification from my good friend at substack that I had gotten a sub (!). That’s right SOMEONE subscribed and took a FREE subscription !!
Indeed sweetie but 'all great journey begin with single step' (Charlie Chan). Small steps follow however the POINT is ‘step’ and then the PLURAL. Keep MAKING them and before you know it, you’re THERE, you have ARRIVED and Procrastination station is a fading memory.
I think that is a ‘Meet Requirements’ lesson for today.
Now going for two-in-a-row.
This is known as ‘rolling’ but more on THAT tomorrow.
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