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F 11

11 F 22 Significant numerical pattern this day however I do not want to get bogged on numbers today.

Real quick again as it is a Friday, we shall MILDLY celebrate the weekend later today but not sure how or exactly when.

Still wielding the macheté hacking and whacking thru the basura, paperwork and life’s flotsam. Laundry is set and going, the trip out is plotted and the supply list is short and mapped.

I have declared February ‘Function’ month.


It’s complicated of course and will require some adjustment and acclimating in addition to committee work for standardization purposes.


OK. F1 is ‘help’. If you need help, all you have to do is dial, text or email ‘F1’. You (the caller, client, patient …) will be subject to a voice loop survey to direct their inquiry to get subject to the appropriate and correct source for the proper help. See how the committee will be challenged?


I think it would solve a lot of problems, help many people and create many, many jobs. The tele-experts will all work remote, on their schedule and use technology to switch calls within a network to maintain a high level of coverage and support.


Of course it is but Thank you. It needs work which leads me into my latest peeve.

I have been INUDATED with paperwork since the accident and assuming guardianship and POA for S1. I dread, DREAD, calling and having to speak or deal with ‘customer service’ and TRY to get any sort of assistance.

If you get thru which is a crap shoot, AND the agent speaks English and you can understand them, AND you get a good audible connection, you MIGHT have a chance but get ready to drop the gloves and do battle as you most likely WILL have a fight on your hands.

I am thinking I could write a book on the mis-adventures calling customer support or service sometimes NEITHER of which are provided.


It drains time and energy.

Speaking of wasting time, I got tricked into watching a few ‘Fox’ news videos. It should be ‘faux news.’ Complete WASTE of TIME.

I then found myself in a rabbit or worm hole not sure of the discriminating factor there but probably size. Operative word is ‘hole’.

I can’t go into any depth of this right now as it is VERY dark going back to the early 50’s and history unveiled with multiple ‘conspiracies’ which are turning into truths over time and MAKING SENSE. As I perfect sense.

I got an email from Alex Berenson and feel SLIGHTLY compelled to post and reply but I have too much to do. Another time trap avaoided.

Today is the deadline for the local Martin Place exhibit and sale ‘On the Wild side’. Followed closely by the 3-month exhibit in Corpus. I am on schedule but still need to keep after the projects and especially the logistics.

The substack star is losing its luster. I did receive another ‘not-for-profit’ sub(scriber) which is great for growth but frankly my time is more valuable here in the short term to warrant and justify investing much more time. But it will change either for the better or worse. Ying or yang.

Maybe I am THINKING a pseudonym is on order. (?)

Must give it, ALL of IT, more thought.

Chow peeps and have a marvy w/e. The cele starts LATER. WS

PS: Today’s image is a most recently completed project. Eritrean butterfly fish (f) and Emperor angelfish (r) . Coral is a small and pricey commercially available piece from china and the base is American (black) walnut finshed to near-furniture grade. I am pretty happy with it. Fish are of course interchangeable on the base. WS



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