All Saints Day
The First entry for November (N)
Trying to settle, get things sorted out and start moving in a direction, preferably forward, but right now I would take almost any direction and THAT would be fine.
I have a list but checking the weather this week we are looking at rain Tuesday thru Friday before sunshine returns for the weekend.
I have 2-3 shows or events that I can and need to start navigating around or towards.
I started this initial entry for N and it failed to launch yesterday due to a series of events which I will elaborate on as is the custom and expectation from this vehicle in a moment after a word from our sponsor(s).
After checking the weather AND calendar I quickly realized that with the Colonial volunteer outing coming up, my Day Plan was severely altered and at the same time ‘set’.
The outing is 22N which is a full and even three (3) weeks away and trust me, my game NEEDS WORK.
The driver (sorry) was the weather forecast and that was rain therein for the next three (3) days. Monday was predicted sunny 24° for a hi. I got a good bike ride in. The time was slower however it had been maybe weeks since a daily ride and there were the safety issues causing more than one slowdown to wait so the time is of no consequence.
The range session went well as well. I got a M (medium) bucket and actually made some progress making solid contact more often than not and hitting a few that I nailed and heard THAT sound of the crisp click, the ball jumping off the clubface whistling and screaming thru the air.
It makes one want to wet oneself. It approaches the Doppler effect and for a moment in time, things are PERFECT.
Then you TRY to REPEAT, do it again and it doesn’t happen. BUT you keep trying … and reach the LAST ball.
I got home, fired up and jumped into the spa for the last licks of sunshine and vitamin D before completing laundry a Sunday task pushed out due to the travel.
It got dark early as it is doing and I ignored supper opting to read, tidy up and finished cutting the billets for the crosses that WILL ship today. I am planning on having a healthy inventory of crosses on hand should I pull the trigger and decide on the Holiday bazaar at Tupp’s. I am THINKING if I have a great inventory of the smaller items at lesser cost it might be foolish NOT to accept, complete sign up, commit and jump in. Just NOT feeling either the excitement or enthusiasm for this particular local and historically successful show yet. But watching that ‘yet’ therefore keeping the Option open.
I had started a second entry but on closer review, it was deemed not ready or wholly appropriate for publication yet. Yet.
I ordered the next read via Half-price books before finishing the current read. Millikan’s Bend is a scholarly account of a small but important battle early on in the Civil War. The Federal army was recruiting the slaves and talk about history repeating or things not changing, this has turned into a fascinating account and view of what MORE LIKELY went on at that time.
Some of the actual record(s) and accounts were lost in the battle at the time but the author, who prefers the term ‘archivist’ to describe them self, uses diaries and memoirs collected and some written years later so questions on accuracy and veracity are never far away.
Anyway, I need to check the weather and see if things MIGHT have changed in which case trot up early to the range for a session before the rain begins.
Yes. I am very serious about making this rare links appearance and final round for 2021 to be good. I mean this is not an ordinary goat track or hacked up muni (municipal) we’re talking about here rather a cathedral manicured with all accoutrements. One should have enough self-respect not to make themself an arse and when that competitive spirit dies, I will KNOW it is time to be planted.
NOT READY to Rest in Peace.