Au 21
AN UNPLANNED ENTRY however viewed from a different altitude, one could say I am pulling in tomorrows report so I can take the full day off on Monday. Makes sense to me and frankly that’s all that counts.
The Loyal & Faithful members of Bill nation know, KNOW that I do not issue these reports frivolously or without some deeper, sometimes mysterious reason and if you wish hidden meaning. Such is the case today.
I have to admit that I am perhaps struggling a bit emotionally or mentally after a fractured nights sleep. But BEFORE the alarmists out there push, prod, recommend or even suggest medication my way, to them I say eff-oh. And that is NOT an abbreviation for fiber optic, freak out or follow on.
It is Sunday so I started the day deciding to address the Spiritual side with Mass at Saint Guillermo the arcángel. This would be the 21st Sunday of ordinary time and the readings were exceptional. I am getting a lot more out of Mass and the readings doing Mass at home versus going to the building known as a church.
While checking the my stats on the stack, I got a like and comment from another writer. We exchanged some messages and ‘vibes’. I subscribed to their newsletter and a free subscription which seemed like a good thing to do.
The very FIRST new newsletter material was chock full of ads and a youtube video, cut or copy & paste, gloom and doom and my bp jumped. But THAT’s not the End. The comments took it a step further which really started me wondering if I had made a good, smart and wise choice. I had made a poor decision and was now in a bad place wasting my time. The newsletter included a playlist which I listened to and they were youtube videos as well.
Watching music videos draws time away from cool & fun things I like to do.
While I didn’t particularly care for the songs, the videos made it worse, far worse. You have to stop what you’re doing to SIT & WATCH much like television. NO … EXACTLY like television. It quickly became viewed as a waste of my precious time.
Now I had THOUGHT about inserting and maybe selling my playlists but that idea never got a lift off, attained escape velocity or hit a good trajectory. Now, today this Sunday morning I am glad that I didn’t.
Music is like toothbrushes, religion and politics. A wise person does not share such things.
On Sunday I did a little and a lot of different things. I spent a good bit of time working on projet artistiques. I got to a point on today’s image and had to move along to secondary projects listed on the inventory build.

Today’s image is Lutjanus campechanus and my fishing guide. If you THINK Captain Lisa might be topless, stop thinking. You might hurt yourself. She is.
The plan was to finish this major project today but I ran into a small problem and I need to go over to Donnie’s to make a small cut to fit the frame together. The red snapper is an in-demand sport fish and prized by those that eat fish.
I will post the finished image of the piece next entry with a little more information about the fish, NOT Captain Lisa.
A major rain event was predicted for today AND tomorrow. We go from heat advisory and warnings promptly to FLOOD WATCH & WARNINGs. It did in fact rain but marginally measureable.
I got a haircut on Friday so I am looking sharp.
I did squeeze in a bike ride today. The numbers were fairly good. The 24 km took 56:30, avg 25.0 km/hr; Max 35.0 so pretty good. There were no safety slows, stops and not even a safety hesitation as traffic was very light and there was no wind.
Late in the afternoon I make a small charcoal fire in the hibatchi and roasted a couple of ears of corn for a grilled corn & black bean salad.and a southwest tradition roasting some hatch chilies for the winter. I also froze a sheet of classic onion rings.
It was a fun day. I put some time in on three (3) Watching the Show.postcards. Smaller versions of the standard larger ones.
With the rain mosquitoes are making a comeback. Today I had to take a antihistamine gel capsule for the the itching relief as the buggers feasted on my feet in the garage.
Tomorrow, Monday, I need to run to Richardson again to take my handpiece in for repairs. I dropped it and it isn’t locking the tool properly AND I have two (2) bits that have slightly bent shafts. They should be able to true up the bits and hopefully the hand piece can be repaired.
So I will miss 22 Au 22 tomorrow UNLESS something Earth-shattering happens but don’t count on it. It is going to have to be pretty spectacular and not betting on that but one never knows.