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Break 19 S

Iffen you have your ears on, an important message follows. It is Sunday, early and I have stolen some ‘free’ time. NOT MUCH so don’t get too excited. Rather enjoy the tiny morsel offered, be content and happy.

Last night I went out and had dinner with Agnes. It was her birthday. She is now homeless and when the check arrived, APPARENTLY my body language, subliminal cues or facial expression was a ‘dead’ giveaway to my innermost core reaction.

Agnes picked up on it right away like instantly. She is uber-perceptive that way and asked if I was OK and ‘could afford it.’

That wasn’t it at all.

Abbreviating the painful story, for $100 (just over including the ‘suggested gratuity’), I could have used those funds and eaten and lived quite nicely as in regal or royal for a week, probably more. WITH a bottle of wine.

However it was for my Friend, she deserved it and was worth it.

Agnes is always a blast. But moving along.

Last night I made hardtack. This was the first batch with a number of ‘firsts’ worth mentioning.

I was out of ‘flour’, thee essential ingredient however I found in the pantry an unopened sack of ‘organic pastry flour’ which I used. I have long-forgotten exactly why I was in possession of this particular type of flour but used it regardless reasoning ‘flour is flour’.

I did notice they dough was different and required more flour to get the consistency required learned from the first batches so that was good. Note to self for next time probaly use less water.

The Second first was against another ‘recommendation’ and that was I added seeds.


Hold your ‘’W’s’.

The reason given in the original article an research was the ‘seeds’ (apparently regardless of which type or ones) contain ‘oil’ which leads to early spoilage and DECREASES shelf life. This would be a factor to consider were I storing this batch for ‘years’ which I am NOT. So noted and will be aware, wait and watch for that.

For the reader unanointed, unvaccinated or ignorant, hardtack is a ‘survival’ sustenance food doomers or ‘preppers’ stockpile for when the zombies come marching down the block. It was also used by sailors (sea bisciuts) and soldiers (Civil war) due to the compact size and ease of storage. By todays standards, nutritional value is marginal and low but it was more sustenance in the strictest sense and it was a versatile staple for long marches or voyages. The final product has the consistency of a small cereamic tile so beware and be warned. Soldiers refered to 'hardtack' as 'molar breakers' and I would concur it does have that potential if teeth are not strong and well-maintained.

Anyway, the seeds in this first experimental batch were caraway. Think of them as the seed in ‘rye’ bread. I had them out to make a batch of sauerkraut but that’s another story.

The next batch if this seeded batch is worthy and successful will be dill. I used a tiny amount like 1/4 tbsp of the rye and we will check the dispersion and adjust accordingly for dill seed.

I did something else last night that I shouldn’t have done, seldom do and only hope I do not regret.


Get your mind out of the gutter por favor.

Not. We’re FRIENDS, no benefits. Unless the occasional dinner counts.

Due to the time crunch and upcoming shows, I PAINTED after dark both last night AND this morning.

It was the rock beauties and very simple, basic larger areas black covering white so easy to fix IF messed up.

My Father once said GOOD artists, mechanics and doctors know how to and can cover their goofs, mistakes or short-comings. I am now LIVING PROOF that that is correct.

Because we had dessert last night I am scared to get on the scale and have a three (3) hour ride planned at first light.

If I can get home and be working at 10:00 am I will be ‘on schedule’, pick up on the projet artistiques and concentrate again on next weekend. I can work logistic issues while riding as a feeble attempt at multi-tasking.

The off season/informal training regimen is to monitor the distance (total) traveled in the three (3) hours ridden and document recording and tracking progress as a scientist.

Nothing to update on the new blog.

Except I did look at the site and read some of the hints, pointers and tips for writers. That lasted about 30 seconds.

Did I mention time was becoming like a vice, tightening with every turn?

Besides, I have the luxury on that now that the ‘launch’ was completed and posted on time to my schedule.

I probably should post here that same ‘launch’ on the new vehicle for the Faithful. I don’t think it is visible yet and I have a few more formatting questions needing answers and the editing options did not jump up and out at me in the 30 seconds I allocated this for the session.

But no rush now. I'll get to it in time and when that timing is right.

I cannot believe your crude insinuation Ms Bold Caps. Agnes is not that kind of girl. I know because she TOLD me so.

And I TOLD her she COULD be.



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