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Looks like ‘date’ right?

It is actually D , the 8th of Dec, iffen you are cryptically challenged.

AND somewhere out in and amongst the nonsensical media (NSM) I saw that it’s National brownie day

I have to admit and confess that I did TOTALLY get THAT one wrong. I was all ready and set to go out and look for a Brownie to hug, you know, like a little girl scout?

But it ACTUALLY and REALLY was the flat chocolate donut. The PASTRY you fool !!

Much like the similar situation of the ‘adult coloring’ book available at church. Turns out it WAS NOT a XXX-rated coloring book.

But moving right along, here is a fine example of some of the news I am following, hoping, PRAYING and waiting to see each time I peek under the covers of NSM.


How REASSURING that this expert, 15-20 YEARS passed a normal, reasonable and sane retirement age for to do so, is ALLOWED to continue reeking havoc on the WORLD and the GLOBAL economy.

I am PREDICTING if allowed to continue, we will EVENTUALLY reach the OMEGA variant and then we won’t need boosters anymore and we can focus on the next media circus, natural disaster or shit show.

Continuing forward and fast, it has turned cold overnight and a fire in the fireplace would be a welcome relief and comforting psychologically.

However I simply could not pass up the 8th as it is a lucky number, the ‘date’ is of humoristic or comic value and I am due for a report to you my loyal readership.

PLUS, I have the material, some of it is good as usual AND some is STELLAR.

There has not been a report on some of the various ongoing IR&D projects here at the cloud so read on and be enlightened and brought up to speed.


Gingko biloba: The tree planted last spring took off and it appears like it will survive. The leaves turned an absolutely stunning shade of PURE yellow I will call ‘gold’. As I fat-finger keys I kick myself for not taking a picture before winds knocked a number of the leaves off. I have gathered some of fallen leaves and am running two concurrent experiments. Half are in the dehydrator and half not. Both will be used in tea first round.

Pineapple: The pineapple plantation report is overdue but work and R&D continues. I bought only two (2) this time around at $0.97 each. The tops look sickly and NOT BETTING survival or sustainment with this round. All existing plants are however mostly doing very well, All are now indoors acclimating. Most looking quite healthy but a few struggling and need administering. There is no need for pineapple jam this year as these two are in the dehydrator and with the jams on the shelf should be OK on the hold over. It takes a fairly long time with this DH to dry the chunks to the consistency of jerky but the results are without question worth the wait. Before they are completely dry and still tacky I sprinkle finely shredded unsweetened coconut over the pieces. OMG can I say crazy good? As in $500 per 1/4 gm. Mail order only and order early.

Rambutan: This is the latest project undertaken. Six (6) of the seeds from the fruits gifted by FB have been set up to germinate. So far nada and zero to report. Trying to keep the seeds wet or moist for a germination. This is a bit challenging as the paper towel keeps drying out during the day and some sort of adustment may be in order. While I think the name ‘rambutan’ is very cool to pronounce, I am leaning towards something more fitting and descriptive and settling on something like Velcro nuts because of the hair-like feature covering on the leathery shell.

Projets artistiques: Going great guns. Over the weekend without doing the local show and two nearly FULLY UNINTERRUPTED days I worked on at least twenty (20) different projects. Actually completed TWO (2). Very excited and pumped up.

SUSTENANCE AND PRESERVATION: The dehydrator as mentioned is working OT with the pineapple and the first batch of gingbilbo leaves is nearly dry enough to be easily crumbled. I will sample one (1) test batch before starting a second batch. Also a second test of the UNDRIED leaves must be tried and evaluated. Estate mint is also in the DH drying. Lot’s of mint, demand is high and using only the best of the best. Any leaves not pristine get tossed. I’ll use a lot of mint this winter in the high vitamin C-anti-oxidant-immune boosting PROPRIETARY tea, this winter. Hopefully I can get it moving on the amazon marketing platform.

The thought popped into my head about adding some ginko to the hi-antiox, vitC tea tbka secret of the ancients for what could be the ultimate health and wellness beverage but stay tuned on that.

I can see I have reached my word count and rolling character limit for this session so manuevering to sign off.

It is warmer outside now than inside the casa so a fire is most def in order.

SO NICE not to have to listen to a nagging source of constant complaint(s).

I am in for the duration today and it will be 1) feed the fire, 2) projets artistique and 3) an indoor training ride. NOT LOOKING forward to the stationary ride but tomorrow they say will be sunny and warm again so I’m thinking one (1) hour on the touring bike in a bonus ride. Tomorrow for sure. Today I MAY play the Procrastination station ticket (pass).

Early am manana Donnie & I are going on a caper scheme to Rockler’s store in Frisco for some parts for a new product offering.

Haircut in the early afternoon so no dallying and I need one. Cultivating and approaching the homeless vagrant look not good with photo ops possible for the Holiday. Besides, my stylist of choice is due her Christmas goose.

Bill out CHILLING out.



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