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EEEeeeooo…ahhh breaker, breaker break that one-nine (19) you got your ears on good buddy? I think I know how Puxatony Bill feels this day.

Minus 10 (-10°C) outside, 14 cribside, 65°F upper deck and 52° lower for your numbers as we begin this beautiful FRIDAY.


The upper deck furnace is/was set and cycled all night and it seems … ‘toasty’. Luxuriant also comes to mind. The suffering is over at least hopefully and temporarily and there is really no need for your correspondent to live like a homeless pauper.

I mean I made tons of sacrifices so far in life, saved for a rainy day and even prepared for frigid days. There are funds to cover such an emergency so here goes.

I watch the new day break deceptively.

The sun rises, brilliant and maybe 65 MILLION miles away it is warm but here no so much. Clear, still and promises to fulfill for better days.

I have noticed the birds becoming more active the past few days actively foraging. Robins, blue jays, the garbage non-descript species as well. This class includes crows, sparrows, titmouses (titmice?) and I left out the hawks riding ‘thermals’ in search of prey (IOW ‘food’) below. It must be nice up there looking down for varmints against the white snow. I hope they get TONS of food in the form of rabbits, mice and rats. Iffen they carry off a couple of humans that may not be a bad thing.

One robin tried to land on the frozen cement pond and crashed into the boards like a novice at public open skate the day after Christmas with new skates. It was comical. She got up and flew off after gaining some wits.

Full plate today barely time for a report as I MUST get back to normal (?) routines and return to normalcy sooner and place the experience into the ‘memory’ file.

FB called last night on her way home from work for the first time in FIVE (5) days. She was in lockdown mode at the hospital and you know her, she had loads, lots and TONNES of stories from the ‘other side’.

She was glad to be home and I am sure the welcoming committee of three (3) were just as glad to see their hero.

OK, today’s agenda reads projets artistiques first FINE art, then commodity inventory for sales and revenue dollars.

Thanks for the Prayers peeps. Now send the money.

God Bless America.



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