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Fif-teenth May

Talk about surviving … Friday as in 13.

This entry will be number nine-hundred ninety-nine and I won’t use the numbers for fearsome neuros out there MIGHT seethe inverted ‘mark of the devil’ as a ‘hidden meaning’ so taking THAT right out of the equation.

This is a significant anniversary date as it was on this day in 1988 I accepted an offer to move and relocate the young Fam from the NE to Tx. A promotion came with it and I can’t look back. FB has Thanked me for the move more than once and S1 wants to move back. Just proves that you CAN’T please everyone.

Here is Classic Joe … ‘I did stupid things before, I’ll do stupid things again’ Biden.



FINAL LINK …let’s HOPE so …

Getting ready to move into an extremely heavy schedule the next two weeks. Headed to Corpus to pick up the art work there since February. Probably a night on the road. This may be the last attempt to work with or thru a gallery. They are getting a far too high markup. Exposure is nice, sales and revenue are better. FAR better.

The 2022 Colonial is ready to go. I got the ‘free’ shirts aka ‘uniform’ on Saturday. Look for reports as in the past from Guillermo Sanchez. Go between the ropes for inside peaks at local stop of PGA tour.


I am IMPRESSED Ms Bold Caps. It was and it decided to ignore them. While on my loner ride this morning I was over in that general area early and nearly got hit by an ATT/Nelson white courtesy vehicle. It was then I realized it was going on.

I applied for a Standard bearer job and expected to get a call with experience AND listing Steve Floyd as a reference AND STILL nada. I know Steve from the Colonial and he has carried a sign at both for many years but apparently carries NO WEIGHT.

I got my first watermelon of the season, it is chilled and I am READY to start slicing it up. Beastly hot today and got into the spa but dialed down the temperature to just comfy and Fans, it was glorious early am after the ride with coffee. I kept calling for Alexa for a refill however I remembered I didn’t have such a female valet.

I went to a party last night. I neighborhood affair and much fun. Lots of live music and I discovered a new feature on my phone. I was able to capture a thought or idea and the next entry will be how or better WHAT I was INSPIRED to do.

With entry 1000 (M), look for some changes but EXACTLY what …TBD.

Emma checked in with a timely report. She requested prayers which I continue to obliged. On the OTR (old time radio) shows there is a Family program of good news and uplifting stories with hope-inspiring messages. I have seen it work countless times so much so that if YOU don’t believe, that’s YOUR problem.

I recall one ex-in-law that was ‘proudly agnostic AND atheist.’ His end of life exit was excruciatingly painful something to do in the general area of the prostate and a boy plumbing issue. That’s enough said about THAT side.

I have some ideas as always as long as I have a pulse.


You are hard to resist when you speak Spanish you know that? Your eyes catch fire and your dark hair seems to blow even when there is no wind.

OK. Bill goes gumshoe.

That’s all folks.



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